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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. class player wish we could keep him longer.
  2. The one who runs the perfect company and could run us better. The one who couldnt bear to bring his family to the games, because its full of unruly peasants and hes upset because hes gets treated like a number.
  3. why would he do that when he can bombard us with self righteous :censored:e all day?
  4. still use my NUS and its double figures in its age!!!! might be the only thing ive ever looked after! 'this is an old NUS' 'cant be that old look at its condition' 'im sure you said that to me four years ago?' 'i did' 'haha in you go grandad'
  5. rather have the money upfront than a percentage of future income
  6. and what if theyre married? theyre gooing to need four, kid turns seventeen and its time for six. oooooh self inflicted bullet holes in nimbys feet.
  7. so basicly even if the club dies, the nimbys will still have '2000 extra cars' but without the improved access? Irony.
  8. its pretty much unreserved anyway, just dont sit in one thats reserved!!!!!!!
  9. great idea. the 'im not paying £20 to watch bournemouth' gang, gona need a new excuse now. hopefully something better than im not paying £14 to watch bournemouth
  10. yeah 445 for an almost pointless away game on tv on a monday night is good, double what i expected.
  11. ahhh, so all we need to do is plug the fans into the speakers and blast it? magic.
  12. i thought that was a great crowd under the circumstances
  13. yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnnn we knew we had to move for big games, when travelling fans demand dictated it.
  14. i reckon the performance will impress and crowd will disapoint.
  15. this poll is the best thing on here in ages. i cant believe the result, mint.
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