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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. l heard that he was settled at Workington and everybody was happy. he trains with us three times a week and MM likes what he sees. like we did in pre season. expect him around the first team. big chance..
  2. l felt they were more saying that not making them might be a blessing in disguise, based on the squad. but l also felt they were over harsh on how many players we actually need.
  3. and there was nowt wrong with our goal. also terrible decision on the not given corner that was literally right in front of me (£3 stretford paddock) l can still sre it now. ld forgotten this match tbh but seeing it now l remembet loads about it like how we won but it didnt feel right. all this was wayyy before that Mark Hughes goal which made me a Latics fan. bc l remember it was a night match and they were risky for getting caught. it was also the first time l even knew that Oldham had a Football team. possibly even the first time l had even heard of Oldham the place. oh no bc the swimming baths, the market, the collosium, the theatre workshop. didnt know we had a Football team tho.
  4. l was at that match and l was still a Yanited fan Currie and Sharp bith had good games. as did Fleming and Henry. Barrett shits out for Yaniteds goal and Mark Hughes n Bryan Robson we fantastic players.
  5. was still a top episode tho wasnt it and an inpressive LaticsMind score. l got 3 this week
  6. nobody wants to make them and then lose except pretend pete and his gang. but we need to go into them with at league one squad so we can skip L2 like most promoted teams do. we only really need a midfielder and some wide men (both defensive of and offensive, preferably two footed) so if we get them then yeah great lets do it.
  7. we will easily make the play offs. depending on who we buy in the meantime it might be better for us in the long run to make them and lose. in the same vein Will Sutton needs to go out on loan.
  8. no not me lm more of an outdoor sports guy apart from the boxing!
  9. the planet will be ok, its just the majority of its current inhabitants that are in trouble!!
  10. yes it feel asif we are in a 'cant see the wood bc of all the trees in the way' type scenario with a few atm.
  11. l didnt think it was that bad but l was mellow AF. lovin the impassioned post. lve just msg my mate tellin him that listening to Mellon feels like listening to an expert in his field lno l back em all too much n that so lm not the best for this but this guy is ace we are going places
  12. lovin this My Garry love. proves people can win over the boo boys
  13. is that stamford bridge? swansea? completely forgot that. tbf it was accurate it hit the red thing he was aiming at!!! hopefully this has happened more than once bc that not what l remember
  14. l would hate to be flooded imagine the mess it would leave behind. good luck.
  15. was it Xavi Alonso thought a dog running on an advert was a tean mate bresking fast down the left and passed the ball to it?
  16. 1. is it monday? boom. 2. its hard to get an atmosphere for these little shit teams in their cup finals. ppl try but its just boring. its up to the players sometimes to drag us into the shit games and in the bigger ones we will lift them. ld never have a go at the Athleticos for not ranping it up bc l believe they are responsible for attracting younger fans to the club.
  17. indeed, DONT TACKLE LADS JUS JOG NEAR THEM AND INTERCEPT!!! wtf was he thinking????
  18. Gwarn lad. table tennis takes skill and speed at a level beyond my capabilities. a doff my cap to you.
  19. eek. sandbags on standby? stuff like this is only gona get worse. wind warning up here for tomoro but l just walked outside and a gust nearly blew me back in and it not even supposed to be today tbf l have lost a lot of weight after the cancer. its a good tip for weight loss but lm managing not to say that. mostly!!!
  20. depends lve seen people aged 100+ still gettin about pretty well. do you my opinion on why? the WWII rationing. root veg every single day and no fast food.
  21. anybody else keep hearing this? l think its the new 'he used the defender to bend it round the keeper' when people wana sound clever! l think managers not wanting basketball games is right at the root of the older generations frustration with the game
  22. you'll be alrite with all your land and your river, you'll make 103 easy and still be involved with the horses!
  23. l really rate the opinion of Baz and he told us he is class. told him he was going to get him fit and look at him hes a unit now. l'm totally buzzin for him he has been my fave player since he told us all to fuckoff at Barrow!!
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