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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. lve got six names and one is double barrell!!! l think Francilette might mean educated. oh wait is that what you meant????
  2. l might have dreamed it but did somebody as Darren Royle about this at one of the events? if it was 20 years ago ld remember it word for word what he was wearing how blue the table cloth was. these days lm thinking about writing stuff down to remember!! lf it helps sell advertising and makes us look cool in the Football pull out l'm ok with it.
  3. l'm not getting anywhere near 60!!!! l meet people they think lm in my forties
  4. now lve got my 'back the manager' blinkers off with regards to Unsworth yes youre right. but l also think sign a CM a winger and a full back then 'take the emotion out' of a conversation with the higher ups and get Will out on loan (unless he is the one who refused) let one or two go (lno thats not so simple but it can be) and he needs to make more subs. my over analytical brain noted he referred to Nuttall as Nuttall. l still cant believe that save v Newport that was behind the keeper he must have watched the ball right onto Nuttalls head seen the header perfectly his brain worked out the angles and got a strong wrist from where it was to where the ball would be. if he just did that flailing arms in the general direction thing then the ball was already gone. not sure just that and winning the ball back for out goal the other week will be enough for MM but he will probably get another go and l'll stake £1 (lve been out of work dealing with skin cancer n shit so lm skint) that Nuttalls next chances come in away matches. if possible he will do the same for Shelton.
  5. Freeman seems to have had a patchy career, but he has bags of ability. we need a Phil Neville type who can play LB RB CM RM and doesnt moan when he is on the bench bc the better lads are fit. l think thats supposed to be Sheron/Shelton tbh but we just arent ready it as a fanbase
  6. wild and dangerous ponderings baselessy opined and seen by those required at the time
  7. l just stammered whilst writing!!! lm fuckin nuts me arent l
  8. lve never seen us with a manager so sure of what he is doing and where he is going. also Frank won't do owt he sees as dodgy, he will count the ST holders not in attendance for VAT purposes. he just comes across as a bloke who has everything in order. he is an absolute legend looking and looking at the set up we wont even be affected if the worst happens. when he is doing something brave and daft that he totally doesnt need to do. but he does bc he is one of those rare working class millionaires.
  9. thats not even old these days with all the clean air, fresh totally not laced with clorine and bleach water and healthy food available to us. plus a govt. that respects those who filled their coffers with gold for 40/50/60 years and treats them with the respect they deserve.*
  10. 6418 (45) l used to look on with wonder and jelousy when stockport, lincoln, grimsby et were doin that two or even three divs belows us.
  11. good to see this. l love an old fucker that can assess things fairly and isnt blinded by all the hurt, suffering and embarrassment the previous custodians have put us through
  12. this is so important. on thursday he managed to tell a room full of people and an online audience things like 'l know what lm doing' 'we WILL go up (maybe not this year)' and even laughed at the daftness of some of the questions without seeming arrogant. l didn't want him l thought he was too old school but he really isnt, he's great lm rather excited where he is going to take us. also disnissed and budget rumours, we will be spending money. as fans who don't boycott Puma products everybody needs to keep doing what theyre doing. apart from the booooing, that needs to stop and l'd like to hear Eminem address that head on as a matrer of urgency.
  13. yep. we are just [maybe rightly] impatient AF!! nearly 6500 Latics there tho so that is encouraging. a late winner would have been great in that aspect, but theyve defo risen slightly after Rhino left. back a few years we used to struggle to rustle up 6000 for games like Hull or Swansea, so to be doing it against Eastleigh is rather positive.
  14. l dont think we are a poor side l think we are struggling to adjust mentally back to being allowed to play Football. also theirs a few who might be considered 'soft' by the boooo brigade and suffer a bit from nerves, especially at home. MM has said he will give these guys a chance to change and then replace them if they can't do it. lve accepted we won't win the league but finishing 7th whilst MM learns and builds will happen IMO. l also think Hallam Hope is a favourite of MM but bc of the current finishing ability he is showing he will be replaced if it doesnt improve. personally l think he will go on a goalscoring run soon. *anecdote alert^ my nephew has seen him twice he isnt Latics yet so he doesnt come much, but he has got 2 goals an assist and worked his bollocks of so he loves him. but imagine those two games were yesterday and the last home game? he would look like the non league version of that libpool guy who keeps missing!!
  15. l want Will Sutton to go out on loan as a CB. Chaz be playing from january onwards the way Hobson is playin
  16. yeah he even said 'lve only been here four games' at the event when asked about Reid!!
  17. its the results. l felt like MM was beggin a bit by sayin how the fans have always backed the team, people didnt listen
  18. what a player he is. how long we will be able to hold onto him might be why we signed Chaz
  19. buzzin for Reid bc missin a few then gettin subbed is angin
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