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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. what's their qualification criteria tho is it just shop floor paps or can office staff play? is it overtime?
  2. nice irks me to the max that the teams Chadderton used to play are now our regular oponents!! l know so many of our oppo's names from searching out Chaddertons results. altho tbf l thought Solihull Moors was an abbreviation of Solihull Motors until Stockport came down here!!
  3. might have a scouting trip to chadderton! by might l mean almost certainly
  4. if he's in there. he probs started the move gettin himself outa trouble playin a 1-2 with our cornerflag. love his touch for Lundstrum in Sherons goal you just know he's tellin him 'get that hit' after Lundstrum gives it
  5. you could tell he had an early night and l thought he used his words very well and in a good order!! l think he also made a good point about signings, which then seemed to be backed up by DB's interview with MM. l felt a lot of the pod may have had a different feel if the MM interview was earlier or reviewed beforehand. it was like Matt was taken completely by suprise at Dave asking all the right questions!!! these guys seemingly already get 26 hour days with all the stuff they get thru. 'l need to reply to a text so you two do that' was funny Steve Eyre defo seems to dislike us in tone and he went from 'Oldham look really good' to 'Oldham have not looked good all match' in the space of 30 seconds, fifteen minutes in. 'nobody can sprint' with Freeman, Kitching, Green and Reid all gettin about was emblematic. enjoyable smooth pod with lots of information squished in there. thought Hope may have got more stick for the miss, but he kind of makes up for it in effort and his bottom corner attempt looks very close. Fan guest defo made himself some notes and did some practicing, l thought he was good. yes, l do know him.
  6. l've also done that and l've seen it one other time think it was Prof. Cox
  7. you can tell we are playin another 'Greater Manchester' team!
  8. thats how you find sumat. ask somebody else where it is an it appears!
  9. true yeah you start making torches and somebody is already counting up the pitchforks
  10. its poss. at least 3 of 4. Sutton to CB Ragan on bench? l think l'd be tempted as a reward but l wouldnt do it. theres also a 352 poss but lets wait and see. put it this way, my flirting with squadophobia is over.
  11. https://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/2023/october/27102023-mellon-pre-altrincham/ not too bad staged interview but looks like not allowed to ask about a couple yet so l'll shut up on them now. either Gardner or Ward (or both) might go straight in to the XI or at least be 'gettin stripped' looks backward more than forward in this, but does it in a way thats also lookin forward. the ones that are here have got a chance is pouring an ice bath on transfer rumours if ever you could. and actually may have been said earlier now l type. but anyway it was said! may have been told to have a full look at what he has got. to end this most hypothetical of hypothetical posts thru n thru l'm sayin Shelton may drop completely out of the squad.
  12. if Freeman wants it then MM will get it out of him judgin by his pre match presser (still hate that)
  13. l still think that guy is Freeman and we need a CM. Freeman six month deal wasnt it? so Eminem will either get the man playing soon or use his wage elsewhere. l want him with us tho. fit and playin l mean.
  14. lve not looked at the unnatached list but theres got to be somebody on there. not arsed aboit fitness.
  15. l thought this was today wn l woke up!! gutted was gona use the buzz to read my notifications try it later like Flem says, lm expecting a much better performance. asif weve not learned by now not to drop standards. suppose weve got another day to sign a baller
  16. oh l know. but we arent taking TV opinions. he is massively invaluable he is the players player. people hated Wazza for exact the same reason. clearly shouldnt be playin all game every game every damn game. that l'll concede and we need Micky to be strong here. l listened out for it on sat then went n stood wiv them n made them watch!! they converted. if you post on here hi and do you know that lad who went down is he OK? general post not just to Oggy, l'm sorry l get so about this. l'll somewhere else for a bit bc l can not offer anymore than this.
  17. wellllll lm talkin 1995 when it happened to me so l'm going to say, yes maybe its not the same 30 years later for proffessionals!! but l think so.
  18. two yellows so no just one match banned. but then the rest of the seson on the bench bc Raglan/Hobson is a L1 partnership at the minimum.
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