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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. dunno but l 100% us this board as therapy! have you noticed l can now leave an argument (and the board) for 2-3 days 'coolings off' without an official ban?!!!!!! l did get a richly deserved monitoring recently for openly wishing selective, communal death of a section of the fanbase!! took me a week to realise thats just unacceptable!! there have been others come thru stuff on here too, l can pick them up thru their writing style changes. or them just open saying it, thats usually a good clue!! again, thanks to you and everyone and also sorry to everybody for this. you have all (yes ALL even Magister) played a small part in keeping me alive. thanks
  2. it was actually clarified a few posts later. tbf l once attended a lecture on chemical proprietry on behalf of a a friend whom couldnt be in two places at onc. when l had finished l left them in her room. somebody 'borrowed' them bc they were al lazy wreckhead type and could make no sense of them!!!!! Luckily my mate was (still is) on my wavelength and smashed the unit couldnt tell you much now except that we can go to Mars from the Moon for next to nothing once our moonbase established thanks to the Lunar Regolith. we also will not need to take water with us so its now econmoically viable and should (in theory) already have been done by the Vladolf or the Chinese. l did not put up my hand a say both his examples were too busy being nazis to bother with the moon bc then my mate would have failed and poss been expelled when the daft fuck tutor noticed l was not a hot female student
  3. bc of my mental health issues sometimes if l get in a spat l literally cant go back on that thread!! about a year ago Kov said Journalism wasnt damgerous in the year more joirnalists had been killed so l exploded (it was prime amazonian settlers and shireen Abu Akleh time) and lve still not read his reply. you were doing that sealioning thing ya did on your Barry Owen the truth thread and tellin me sumat didnt happen whin l could just about remember it!! so l would have exploded and now l cant go back on the thread. l might see whatever you said in aboit two years. maybe. but youre talkin shite so lm not interested.
  4. this is it for Raglan init. needs to come in from nowhere and basically be Charlie Raglan then keep the Captain(?) on the bench. seasoned pro should be easy. Mellon in the post match about not playin Harrison then he had too and he 'picked up other injuries' which l'm suprised he didnt say 'which you doo' Norwood Captain saturday?
  5. from what we stand with thats decent, really
  6. think so for Hartlepool, but expect we will see Freeman at weekend.
  7. Eminens only been here a few days but hopefully thomo nicely left the scouts info on them he was looking at and also Muzza would have told him. he's seen it twice now tho so something has to happen we need one certain player as literal open heart surgery aaarrrrggggjhhh!!!!!! sorry!!
  8. mint his name even fits in the rooney chant there we go thats that pob solved. ld be sulkin like fuck if l was top scorer from RB and l didnt even have a chant
  9. if we can more appreciative and get Nors here for all his twighlight and then some coachin stuff or wtvr we will be very, very lucky. right this second and the next and all the time and big time on matchdays he improves and ambassordises our club.
  10. if you dont see Wayne Rooney when you watch James Norwood then l'm kind of jealous of your quiet head!!! l thought l sae it pissed up years back and didnt say owt* a few times but no its really there *probs went on sbout it all day
  11. MM is Micky Mellon and Wazza is Nors, sorry
  12. best part of Eminem gettin the job for me is that Wazza starts most weeks
  13. that would totally turn Norwood into prime Norwood from what we have if its possible
  14. thats the ideal kinda look isnt it. the ball was never on the floor in the middle. but the effort wasnt totally lame and ther players did have a cup final affifude that we cudnt match. we did try to pass and we did try so fuckit we well smash whoever we playin on sat
  15. it must contain two new players in very onvious positions and it needs to happen fast. they know.?they must know.
  16. not checked if theyre dead l just bump into them there but if its either it will be David bc kept in touch with me as a teen and l dont think he wanted to fuck me.
  17. was popular with the Footballers back int 80's you cam bump into people ranging from Ron Atkinson to David Pleat thete. lve not been for a few years its far too quiet for me atm but that is what those chaps wanted. in a few decades if its atill the same l'll maybe go back. or if l get rich enuf to buy aumat its perfect. thanks to a family membet who knuckles down l could literally go there tomorrow if l wanted (or Cyprus). but winter and autumn are my fave times. PS if l had any money ld go to the cyprus pad rent a boat and run water, nappies, baby formula bread and female sanitary products into Gaza. but l dont.
  18. PAGE FUCKING TWO???? do they not know who we are (hic) l'll go and tell somebody
  19. anybody pops up tells me lve also been to benidorm and lm retiring from my job as high horse preacher. or Alcudia.
  20. was that for me? phewww l thiught it was benidorm. l knew l had been (against my will) to one of the gammon hotspots.
  21. other end my breif unlaid work. lm thinking of writing to rochdale to ask about her. and lm bit pissed off lve got no feedbcack from saving that young 'un
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