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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. mods on here defo considerin 24hr bans for me n lionheart if the match is off. l can feel them wincing at both our moods already!!!
  2. the winds changed overnight we will reach 1 possibly 2 degrees today before the snow hits. warmer air will prevail and it will be pissing it down by monday. use the lighting rig and the warm air cover to sort out the main stand shadow should be on really.
  3. we seem to have gone from 'Norwood is pretty wank really' to 'we are a one man team' in record time. even for us! if you are under 25 years old you won't have seen this level of ability since Jack Byrne unless on tv or playin for our opponents of course!
  4. does he have a designated page and where is best to track his race progress? there can't be many events where coming last and just surviving is grande feat in itsself!!! like them mad bastards who chase cheese down a hill..
  5. they'd probs give him a decent amount if he stopped ghosting them
  6. assumptions eh!! did you go/watch Barnet? l need to know you have seen Norwood play blatantly well for us!
  7. Can l have a quote from saturdays first time up at BP under Mellon? lm assuming you went corporate! how was that?
  8. this chap is onto sumat here l reckon. Frank can tell himself this when hes rowing!! we all need to tell ourselves this. even Thommo N Redders!
  9. from DD's cabins on chapel car park to Frank's cabins digging boreholes and making car parks. this is why we can talk about the Football!!!
  10. l think the STNR combo was close to getting the job, but there was talk from the club of lots of talk with MM so it sounds like in the end the interview process steered the club away from emotion towards pragmatism and we shouldnt really be hypothesising over it. after DU we needed an actual manager to save us from certain lessons. MM couldnt save us or the players from listening to ourselves. but he's seen it and is now acting 'without emotion' as he says. but he defo has certain emotions, l can hear it in his voice.
  11. still not quite used to bein linked with (and actually signing) players l have heard of!!
  12. seems there are some determined to be sad. which is rather sad in itsself l just see it as every time it happens we are one time closer to it not happening anymore. well impressed with MM and l think some of the boooo brigade are actually worried we might end up being decent!! hope they stop coming.
  13. was said on the pod, poss by Matt, that the exec type stuff was a sell out. which (alongside merch and tickets) is how we help make sure the budget stays decent and available. wide men (both defensive and offensive) and central midfield pleaseeeeeee
  14. looks good not spotted a standout flaw still very young. seen a few mistakes but also seen some decent shot stopping combined with a willingness to come for the ball. reluctant to crticise his handling bc the mistakes seem to happen when he is keeping in a proactive fashion. probably worth money to a well run, pro club which looks after both itself and its staff. which we keep having to remind ourselves we are!
  15. it is only hard to inagine it bc we are not used to it! no way MM took the job with £0 transfer budget and the respect he has shown it so far by totally wringing the first team squad that he inherited has probably earned him a bit more.
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