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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. thats quite a turnaround in a year. nice one Rhino
  2. what I took away from that is that nobody who applied for the job got the job. which kind of makes Thommo n Redders storming off kind of understandable.
  3. yeah Lundstrum would have to do a lot of work and Wazza would end up in CM after 15mins. but if he has got runners around when he does it (Kitch, Freeman, Lundstrum and Reid could have a goalscoring day) that might not be bad. but yes, l like your team ld be happy to see that.
  4. he will play Football he isnt the hoof merchant l thought he was
  5. that a prediction or what you want it to be? looks a good team. l think Hogan will return at CB and My Garry in CM over Gardner. Captains armband be interesting..
  6. l agreed with that at the time but it was ignorance on my part
  7. l have to have time outs otherwise ld get banned and l like this place and the mods so l dont want that
  8. ok lve just watched that three times and totally changed my plans for today. that was absolutely amazing. there was a double assasination attempt on Wazza which l'm glad happened and l hope people can put that to bed now. genuinely openly pleading with all that to stop. we have got an absolute star there, but he 33. to describe him as the 'most off the cuff' man you can get makes me tingly for him. formatiions are an obsession in our fan base, but that was dealt with excellently. l sometimes take lectures for my friends. actually, used to lve not done it for a while bc l pushed them sway but there l go again l digress. what lm trying to say is MM is an expert in his field. we are all set to go now and three times he praised the fanbase and asked for it to be as good as we can be so l hope we all try and do that. all the questions we important in their own way and all l really disagreed with was the music one. the best boyband ever is 5ive.
  9. just about to watch this. did people have a good time and was the pie good? did you get peas? shall l read this thread before?
  10. @oafc1955 defo gettin a Nuttall towel for his cock balls and arse isnt he!! l might get some pillows. Nors, Hobson, Kitch, Will and Big Mike we wuda battered newport if Fondop started. that save from Nuttall is just disgusting.
  11. Jack Byrne let me stroke his face once in the corporate shit. still follow his career. .
  12. thanks for thinking of me and dragging me out!! also thanks to everyone who was making sure l was ok as the spam just wasnt as good without my random comparisons n shit. thank you l love this board do we call the Gaffer Eminem yet? lve also heard a few people spotted the Wazza thing with Norwood. l fuckin love him yano lm going to try and touch him might just be in a goal celebration or l might go to training and ask.
  13. being the internets biggest attention seeker, l could make something up!! l might even have a story lve had run ins with a ram, a bull, cows, horses off top of my head so possibly!! drama queen as political correctness is just ignorant of theatre and a bit pompous. Llamas tbf are quite feisty at times. l'll try it,
  14. sounded even, Nuttall really unlucky. yes Dickenson went off injured he was clattered hard and unfairly early in the match.
  15. lve never heard a southern lrish southern Welsh commentary doubleteam before. rather unsuprisingly!
  16. l used to sit in the main stand but cant handle the GERRITFORWARDD Brigade if we pass to each other so l only go there when its beyond my control. l often sit in main stands bc l prefer the view (and sometimes our fans can be quite fun to watch) and l realise this is not a Latics only thing!
  17. have to agree with Nuttall suprise but l think its the same kind of 'new manager thinking' that keeps Hogan out. l'd like to imagine if anybody can light a fire under Nuttall's arse then MM is the man for the job..
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