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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. love that. in my subconcious avatar profiling, you come accross like that thats why l argued with you about needing the crowd onside in the DU days. but wow how wrong was l. l was blind to his terribleness due to loyalty. its a default setting and is clearly a weakness.
  2. l havent read this thread bc l don't like looking backwards but incase it hasnt been mentioned his nickname was lnspector bc his name was almost pronounced the same the fictional detective good player but didnt have the edge one would have expected from an Atgie. he was too nice on the pitch and didnt even intrinsically hate England for starters!!!
  3. some people are just more blinded, obedient tax payers than others. their brains live in Utopia you cant help them don't engage with it they can only wake up themselves and they also need to want to. ignore it he's OK with most stuff and hes happy and comfortable. dont try and take it away its impossible it can only happen through experience paying attention to everybody.
  4. anybody who blindly respcts and defends the police as an entity is totally detatched from reality. l had some good interactions with a few and saw two lve dated even individual police officers do not respect the entity they serve. its full of good people but its riddled with evil. yes, Evil. totally totally riddled. anybody blindly defending the police as an entity has never had a serious comvo with more than ten serving officers. riddled.
  5. sorry if l posted this already pisssed up last night but some lad went down in one of the celebrations and took a couple of head knocks managed to get him up and he wasnt too sure where he was or why he was lying down!! if you post on here or youre his mate could you confirm hes ok for me or l'll think about it for the rest of my life
  6. thats all that was missing. DU's plan to intetcept and break is impossible to work. if he gets another go and doesnt change that he is goin nowhere
  7. if we conceded three can it be said that Hogan played well again? l thought he did.
  8. yes he did. he will have benefitted from this run in the team, but we have reached the limit of that and are in danger of cancelling it all out. if it is hoped there will be a conversion, there won't be he is too rangey and doesnt have enough pace. needs to go out on loan IMO.
  9. well he best not cut it bc doing that ruined Jacks career. obviously didnt read any bibles or the Torah.
  10. introduced mesen to leezyverpunk as 'Hi l'm Monty Burns, are you Leezyverpunk?'
  11. l was the guy in the parka helping that female steward tasked with manning the 'security fence' she was physically injured in the first wave. she thanked me and said 'dont come back in the second half, the police are in their vans putting riot gear on and they are going to go through you all' a copper then appeared and told me the same thing in a far less friendly manner. l hope she is OK.
  12. this is the most Monty Burns post Monty Burns never posted!!!
  13. jus listened to his aftermatch interview and l think it's safe to say Muzza won't be leaving the club!!!! happy about that he's ace. l cant believe how much Rochdale hate us. we are going to have to get used to bad crowd behaviour. it comes as a by product of success. also Humanity in general is devolving and it's too late to change. fuckinelll that was bleak wasnt it
  14. from what l saw it appeared they left the Latics section and went over the pitch to engage. l havent seen that for years the Latics fan gettin mullered at the other end in the standing section landed a top dig early doors. police were poor and then to top it off tbey took control of a large number of our fans (mosy of whom wanted to go the other way back to their cars) and walked them straigbt into an ambush
  15. lm thinkin the same. l cant wait to see thr players be aggressive l think it will bring more out of everyone,
  16. bad. people are showering n washin the pots and stuff outside bc theyve not got runnin water there yet. but the clubs seem confidentish
  17. no we arent its just l dont care but l was raised as a united fan in mcr so that might be it. l'm bringing an 11,10 and 8 year old and they all think like you. the eldest lives in Hyde and hes jus msgd me from the bus up there singing Norwoods on fire. l dont encourage them to support us, its just happenning au natrel.
  18. he will be in the Nile like me. our derbies are city, united, leeds, huddersield, barnsley, liverpool, blackburn etc l suppose Wrexham too off the pitch.
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