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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. they came to BP once when the lookers stand was a festering mess and sung WHAAAAT THE FUCKINELL IS THAT thats the best tbeyve ever done
  2. l don't even see it as a derby! dale have defo got some ladz tho, especially for us. remember Hulk Hogan gettin arrested at Dale?
  3. ah. maybe l was a bit early with my BURN THE RACIST pitchfork idea
  4. Correct. People like Flemboy would have been denied and l really cant imagine him being violent, he seems to have a friend at every away match!!
  5. WOW!!!! in a way its good to see a club not taking the mob mentality option. they must trust him implicitly. once when l was in retail a customer attacked me and six months later my boss said (off the record) if he had played the race card then upstairs would have sacked you. l refused to watch the CCTV bc l went a bit too far, but apparantley l stop, take off my watch, put it in my pocket then fly back in
  6. mind you, l see the apocolypse in plastic McHappy meals so it might just be me
  7. Book nerds see tbe apocolypse whemever people pair them two names like that
  8. show off. next u be tellin us about your walk in beer fridge!! lve rang b0ndl1ne he put me to voicemail. must be packin or sumat.
  9. its only a little place hes probs moving on your street
  10. lve had a black eye for two weeks so lm not really taking it that seriouusly!! more pissed of he managed to land it. and in his defence he doesnt know yet!! infact lve told you lot before ive told anyone really!! lve only just had the skin cancer all clear so lm just tryna soft disclosure it!! l also found out my recent stoke has left me with epilepsy but that just means l now know what Pregablin is @rudemedic does this all add up or ia my doc jus lookin for excuses fo see me? pregabs for epilepsy has raiaed some eyebrows..
  11. @b0ndl1ne is returning to your racist lands soon so lets provisionally float a potential Ashes meet up?? if l am dying then l'll start reminding the bucket list wankers how much lve always wanted to see Ulluru.
  12. also the Spergers has prevented me goin back on that thread where l was being a pedant bc one year at scbool my pointy elbows and penalty taking got me a record four players player votes. l only know that bc that bell end teacher who banned me from Cricketbsaid it in the speech and suggested l had somehow rigged his system!! so if there's been owt good said in there us uknow!!!
  13. thanks. people who know me on here know l die when lm 46 so got 17 years left yet* *assuming l'm still 29
  14. this isnt jokingnabout health wthin minutes of proffessing not to but so far in the diary lve told them about Mellon, ranted about israel, shown them a diagram of a theoretical steam powered perpetual motion machine and sljpped in that l'm single.
  15. yeah the docs 'can see damage but cant tell if it residual from having three skull fractures' so theyre gona scan me again about feb/march and theyve asked me to keep a diary. my son also had the opportunity to move to town rent free and hes turned it down bc l fell over once. ok twice!! FWIW l wont ever joke about health. death is fine tho.
  16. was?? l've defo grown as a person but lm shill keepin that badge!! found out last week lve either got early onset alzheimers or post concussion syndrome. mix that with the Aspergers and lots of sfuff makes more sense!!!!!
  17. tickets came on saturday. they sent them to the cardholder (if the card still exists, l just know the numbers!!) when l specifically asked for them sent to me. but in these days of fraud, excessive demand, dodgy addresses and cancelled tickets lm not actually arsed. probably technically broke the law ordering them but whats the point in having a near photosimilie memory recorder if l cant use it every now n then. this week on LaticsMind the rather damaged card reader cobbled together one!!(Ritchie)
  18. l reckon we'll be ok on that front. l mean, l'll almost certainly do it if required, but l think stuff like booming slide tackles in the rain is gona tide us over long enuf for a style to emerge.
  19. well yeah l used to think that, but there have been 'incidents' where l needed to be at a certain place within a certain time to smooth stuff out!!
  20. Kofi's got three goals in two starts down at Worky* *probably wrong
  21. Kofi Moore thats it l couldnt remember his name talkin to my bro. l think we will see him after xmas.
  22. yes l do think he is benefitting enormously lm just concerned at the Phil Neville effect and l think ld rather him go play on loan week in week out at CB. if not now then soon.
  23. Eminem says on that video Penryn shared that he loves a winger but also that he won't play wingers unless he's got some good uns available. maybe get em together early doors or late on if needed.
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