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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. Andy Roberts isnt getting the analogy of a club that went bust like we did and is starting again at the bottom like we sort of are is he? l get his 'we are like celtic' type effort, its kind of correct in terms of size, resources, pie sales etc he's got some good points but lets not 'send David Unsworth on a course' that sounds like when directors come and 'help' on the shop floor!!
  2. Matt is so right isn't he when you realise we have fans who are ignoring anything positive and just circling like Jackals its proper depressing. usually followed by some twonk on here saying in an authorotive tone 'no Latics fan wants us to lose, thats just lies' usually timed perfectly with somebody goin 'l hope we lose' which is obviously ignored/not seen
  3. well, l didnt like this question mark when l saw it last night. how are us with no grey cells of our own who solely rely on the pod for our viewpoints supposed to back Rhino all night if you might abandon him in the morning????? * *l am not being serious.
  4. l remember laughing at some alleged slides from one of his training talks only to discover they were true!!! bomb alley and all that jazz
  5. they havent started it, its been rolling quite a while
  6. he wasn't lured away ffs!!!!!!! corney was a fuckin master putin at spin wasnt he.
  7. yes l also feel a loan away may be the answer. l also think the red is a joke. l hope somebody notices how long lve deliberated on offering my opinion there. part of me doesnt even think its a foul and l'd be pissed off if he didnt do what he does. l think he will have a decent career in Football and wouldnt mind us playing a decent part if it.
  8. yeah but is she still fit, has she learned a load of new tricks and will she give me coldsores? 29 now and never had one of them *shudders*
  9. Lee Johnson sacked by Hibs? just the once l think. why? are you onto something..?
  10. IF the punishment punished the deserved l could agree with you. it doesn't tho and its suprising my stance on such unfairness can get you to use capital letters.
  11. no no no ALLLL that he wants is for the manager to take the handbrake off. nothing more, nothing less. guys an idiot.
  12. sounds like it doesnt it. but l did think l had all their best bits committed to memory already..
  13. l seem to have clearly and possibly unacceptadly not witnessed some classic comedy here. could one of you please enlighten me as to where l need to research pls..
  14. https://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/2023/august/loan-watch/?fbclid=IwAR3eb5JGr65EfCbqxgMSwG5xKf9z0n3gf3QGQgvGgMnFsB3rTiNBo6zoD2U
  15. l meant in that we got competely schooled!! theyll get taken over n the new guy gets stung. bit of a joke really.
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