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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. l think its an adjustment thing. l'm defo over it now anyway, get em signed!!
  2. thats a good point its not 5 subs is it in reality is it, its only 4. bit slow on that one me, have to admit!
  3. ouch!!! lm getting my hair cut today so l must just about have some va va voom left
  4. l've stopped and DM'd him already for a rummage, but like fuck am l growing up lve honest really tried but it doesnt seem to work
  5. @League one forever look at this its called self deprecation. now, lm not asking you to be totally crazy like me, but if you can laugh at yourself every now and then it will stop you getting paranoid n confused leading you to start arguing with people for no actual reason. you would have been better responding to my actual post disecting it like an adult, rather than pointedly ignoring it and then getting upset over something else l said a day later
  6. yes it was their thing. we flirted with it once or twice but it wasnt for us
  7. in less than a week we will have played one friendly so we will be able to confidently judge and write off at least one new player, know for a FACT that the formation won't work and that if this shit carries on then attendances will fall off a cliff
  8. good luck to him. there's something maybe there hope it works apart from v us. altho more likely they be his best performances of the season!
  9. personally it is better but on the grand scheme it is a negative. the club just need to do their best and use it for their own benefit, which they seem able to do.
  10. agreed. anythin to shut that borin Monty cunt up with his theories and analogies ffs
  11. you need to dig upwards isnt that exactly the point? those few who have entrenched themselves so deeply they are being stubborn and wont change simply bc they are totally unable to say they were wrong and never have been? ignoring the results and abusing his weight or making up personality disorders just to be knobheads? it isnt a David Unsworth specific problem, they are angry bitter people who feel superior by shouting rubbish at youth players.
  12. patience isnt available. theres a noisy minority who are borderline excited to be booooooo dickwads who were always right and we shuda jus listened to them all along its probably more important 'the fanbase' is ready to drown them out if its 0-0 after 5mins or one of the new guys slices a pass out for a throw
  13. ok cancel everything l just said. teach me for commenting on somebody lve never heard of we need a LW it was on my original blueprint
  14. its almost certainly just me applying lashings of overthinking to simple not yet problems!!! plus lm a bit gay for Fondop
  15. l get that but lm not talking about grumbles lm talking about breaking the dressing room. we aren't in European competition this season so we don't need three players for each spot. l also don't want anybody who is happy to sit ont bench.
  16. not true. one or two will inevitably start sulking about lack of game time and they become toxic in the dressing room. five players for one ir two spots is too many in division 5.
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