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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. and technically it was about a transfer rumour mentioned at the forum, so its probably in the right place
  2. its absolute insane and it is from previously normal members!!! they are obviously never wrong about anything ever, so we should probably abandon evidence and sense in favour of panic induced adverse word vomming
  3. he probably is, but it will probably be better for his career that he isn't first choice (yet)..
  4. youre really not getting this dont take managers too seriously are you? do you even like Football? are you new to the sport or something?
  5. l dont think he is looking to replace Sutton, in fact the opposite. l feel he is looking to develop him and lm excited to see it happen
  6. yesterday you were raging at the managers answers over this. today you are merely raging at the holding of the forum whilst simultaneously acknowledging (theres no way lve spelt that right ) that you now understand the managers answers and suggesting we rename the Fans Forum as a catchup with Frank. this clearly shows it is you who needs the slow explaining and that you are fully aware of this fact!!!
  7. agreed. the most extreme lve seen is lve personally lost two friends to russian nazi propaganda. theyre actually decent people too its been quite heart wrenching
  8. the forum reaction to yesterdays concerted attempt by a minority of users to be overly negative must surely be viewed as progress!! casually washing away their negativity in a calming wave of sensible posts rubbishing their hysterical nonsense. it has been discussed on the pod and alluded to by the club that such misery bathing is unhealthy and must stop if we want the club to grow. we are clearly doing our bit, we just need the team to back us up now..
  9. aye. the answer Rhino gave was actually along the lines of 'we will be deploying many formations but we dont yet know who we are playing so we cant say which of our many plans we will deploy.' and the poster heard it as 'l dont know what lm doing' which is almost funny really. all tonight has done is re enforce my belief that a booming start is essential bc the senators have been, and will continue to be, sharpening their blades all summer eager to angry stabby stabby booooo if its 0-0 after 10mins in the first match..
  10. whilst l agree with the sentiment, we started pre season on monday..
  11. l think some people started the evening looking to be offended, some people drank too much too quickly and got coffended (offended incorrectly becase they were confused), some people did both and lots of people didnt take it that seriously atall because it's a fundraiser in June.
  12. the sweet spot is between these points! the biggest lie l believe l spotted was Rhino and DR both claiming they dont read the forum. yeah, ok .
  13. at 20:24 according to the Oldham Times Q. when is a RB signing? A. (Rhino) if the season starts tomorrow l'd be happy with Will there.. we will look at it when the opportunity comes but, at the moment, lm more than happy with Will. thats the perfect response for me.
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