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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. Dan Ward- 'we will give you something to shout about.' tbf we have been shoutin for years, but l get what he means
  2. ps l hope we triggered the Yarney deal so Salford or whoever it is owe us a fee and it comes off his wages. if not he can come and fight on his original prior agreed wage (which he wouldnt). l mean fair play it cant be easy with some of the wage bragging that will go on, but his pants are down and we are all belted up at the bar. shrewd but fair l'd call it and l fuckin love it. except the puma bit but thats geo pol so l'll deal with that how l feel is fairest.
  3. lno but l said it would come down soon about 100hrs ago so lm borderline taking it personally. they did lower the promtion and top 3 odds so maybe they got a few people 'playing safe' fuckinell top 3 'playin safe'? hmm lm not sure lm comfortable with where this could all swiftly lead
  4. this is an altogether different type of pressure..
  5. l may have a quid on us champions them relegated double. it would mean l care slightly more about their results than l ever have in my life but maybe if thats what l need to elevate el Crappico to el Flat Cappico then thats what l'm going to do..
  6. Xmas l reckon. think a couple will take 85% pay offs this summer and a couple more at Xmas. they can use the mortgage money bc it will save us a fair few grand by next summer.
  7. l can only assume that not many Latics fans use bet365 as 11's was too high on friday nevermind now
  8. don't even want Yarney now he will be in the way of Will Sutton. we seem to be signing players that stood out against us, leaving behind disappointed fans. random bumped into an FC Yanited fan l used to know and he said l will love Willoughby
  9. aye my Grandma kept my Grandad away from the phones in such circumstances even tho it wouldnt even have crossed his mind to ring anybody about anything ever so long as he was with her (awww). later in life she slipped up when in a diff time zone (vs Brasil in the QF Ronaldinho free kick) she was wondering whether it would be best to let me know in case the result had a predictively over exaggerated impact on me when it happened in my time zone!!!
  10. 12's is nicee and yes ld say your prediction is odds on
  11. with the money we gave them!! looking at it from another perspective, lm glad some random fans are doin this mad frettin thing (and it is real lve spoken to a fan who said he wishes he shared my optimimism ) because lm nor fretting in the slightest about fuckin altringem or chesterfld or hartlefuckinpool or woking. we still 11/1? pile in a few grand and then maybe get to feel as miserable as them cunts must do all the time!!!! but l said this last year aswell so.
  12. theres a joke somewhere where l misspell Schrodinger and leave out the cat/act part to make it obvs that the misspelling was down to hypothetical joke dyslexia but l cant be arsed to account for possible outrage if l used the word mong. or sumat along those lines, lve had a strange day!
  13. yeah but he lives in the future so he could find out today if he wanted. if we havent signed anybody by this time l tomoro lm gona come on 'ere n discuss it with Lion where it will be tuesday but he cuda known sunday, however it will be monday for me. thing is Lion mite not see it til wednesday..
  14. monday then..? monday morning gym goers long distance phone photography incoming for the twitter thems if l havent just made up 26th as first day back for pre season then that is a single digit number of days away. which means nowt really but kinda does.
  15. if he's been in the USA then don't forget theres a time difference of about 75 years
  16. they seem to have done enuf to prevent a seaside invasion but it still shud be a good day out. it actually will be like a league game l reckon, right down to their Stone lsland Lads dancing with ours if they ask them to.
  17. some good 'uns and the Doyle one made me laugh
  18. basically we are already four players away from a decent full squad and they aren't even back trainin how fuckin mint is that
  19. l reckon we will sign a LW RB CB and probably another midfielder depending on what he does with Rooney, maybe even anyway. l agree on Couto coming thru at LW and also think Green will play there sometimes.
  20. oppo left sided players are often the best and or most experienced in their team, RB is hugely important. shreks talkin shite on this one, if we are buying then we are buying not sure how that's sumat to whinge about.
  21. towards the end of the season we did, on occassion, pass the ball to each other very fast and break out. if we do this instead of rugby smacking it towards the corner flag for Green to chase then l can handle that. your point about needing to win with last seasons 'style' is spot on and is the underlying basis for revolt and rapidly eats up any goodwill in the stands.
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