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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. STOP IT!!!!!!!! *closes eyes, sticks fingers in ears and makes a humming noise*
  2. no bc a few people will bet on us and its a tiny market
  3. wouldnt be suprised if thats dropped by this time tomoro
  4. l watched corrie about five times in around 1988 so apologies if they dont have that anymore
  5. fo real? or jus top notch banter? lve never heard if him so this is currently his rating
  6. l can see why the club would be fuming, we would have been well within our rights to renew it, make him train with the C Team and transfer list him! but we are better than that, these days.
  7. and l withdraw the word 'lowball' as it is overly negative and not exactly applicable to The Saviours.
  8. may 31st l think it was. if he doesnt turn up for training on day one l don't want him.
  9. ld disagree and say everybody with working eyes saw something going on and that's why it became a question. which somebody then tried to make me look silly over but only made themselves look a bit silly, that's all really. it wouldnt be the first time the new regime 'pulled out' of a deal after a lowball offer, only to then pay the going rate. without knowing the details l'd stop short of sayin just pay him. ld like him on board, but he isnt exactly Beckenbauer.
  10. l can understand him valuing himself, but if the club haven't already moved to a new target then they probably should do. or pay the going rate for the player of the 'season'. l can accept him winning it, but l'd be embarrassed if l voted for him.
  11. was it you then l take it? thats a poor attempted save if it was
  12. l'd probably become an Ezralite if he did are them a thing or have l just invented it? that was the first ever time ld heard that song and its still playin in the background in my head
  13. l love it when l hear lame pop music for the first ever time and have no idea whom it is, its quite reassuring!! our PA System is pretty rubbish but it seemed perfect for that cheesy pop. the media team seem to be having fun, the pitch guys have got moves and all the smiles around the place are heartwarming. lm proper wishing the summer away even more than usual
  14. there's players there without even tryin, always has been. imagine in a few years with people at the club genuinely interested in the future? the self sustainability thing is an actual thing, its just that moore, blitz, gazal, corney and the multi fronted circus that followed 'couldnt see the wood fer the trees'. thats what Rhino means when he says 'infrastructure'.
  15. theres a player hiding within that big powerful physique of his. he needs to speak to Matt Smith see if he will loan him Paul Dickov to make him nasty.
  16. be goin to Hull house sharing with Jack n Harry won't he* *absolute speculation based on nowt.
  17. oh no we will get a small fee l think provided we did the basics, which we do do now.
  18. was funny when somebody quoted me and told us it was all straightforward and simple. he was staying 100% and anybody whom did not understand this was a proper ficko. cba to trawl back and embarrass them
  19. as was said before it happened by a certain yellow power plant owner. Norman was the correct Player of the Season.
  20. he didn't mean you lot, he meant the lizard people* *No. l don't believe that one.
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