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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. can l do it? can l? pleaseeeeee??? oh fuckit. it won't be the first (or even the twentieth) time you have regailed us on here with a load of bullshit tale you pretended somebody told you in a pub!!! sorry. it was wide open and l'm bored
  2. oh and featuring wank as fuck music, you might wana turn your vol down first
  3. heres one done in a stupid filter to make it look strange, weird and potentially confusing for no apparant reason
  4. before anybody gets justly upset of this flagrant rule breaching for such a boring sport, if anybody wishes to make further comment then OWTB helpfully provides other such caves to do so. so lve started a thread there if you wish to kill seconds and minutes of the longest summer ever!!
  5. its a fair assessment l just feel theyre going to land here with the ultimate seige mentality and really come at us. its gona be a right ding dong l hope.
  6. without sportsjacking the thread its important we don't underestimate the Aussies they actually look strong to me and we have weakened ourselves by dropping Foakes. massively short sighted ashley giles kind of idea but the turnaround of team in 18 months makes me feel churlish saying that! we are still a top grade team, we have just gone a bit more one directional and increased our risk of getting bowled out in a session for 85.
  7. we finished early too dont forget. we all feel it, this will feel like the longest pre season ever. The Ashes will help for a small few of us, but even still it is going to be a dragg. flipside is we will get big followings in pre season and look massive for the new players * *sorry, that was the best l could come up with!!
  8. aye lm expecting stuff to happen soon, just not in may when theres still matches on.
  9. city were skint when he was there his best signing were wheeler dealers like Huckerby, Tiatto, Morrison when he got money he spunked it ask a city fan. everton lve heard the same from when lve met them watchin England. both clubs do love him tho. and rightly so, the guy is a Legend
  10. nah it's still May, the season ended two weeks ago, the league season is still going, contracts probably havent even expired and there's still promotions to sort and trophies to hand out, holidays to go on, golf to be played, alcohol to be consumed, fire extinquishers to set off etc.., l don't think theres any sittin around n thumb twidling going on however, apart from texts/wtsps/emails maybe even actual phone calls!
  11. lve actually come back on just to amend this!! l was walking to the lake and this very misunderstanding popped into my curse of a brain
  12. l fight alongside the underdogs. always have always will. POWER TO THE PEOPLEEEEEE
  13. mental laziness at Wembley. of all the times lve seen a player already mentally celebrating before he has even touched the ball, forcing the miss, then this one is the winner. if he scored there l probably wouldnt even be a Latics fan () l was in the Latics end as a very young dirty red bastard
  14. oh yes we fuckin can!!!!!! at the time still should have been a class player but turned out to be the signing which basically started our sliding doors trip to division five. worst. miss. ever. (apart from his other one)
  15. this is not an unpopular view in the slightest, it was basically an accepted fact between Latics fans at the time. he then repeated it at subsequent clubs and made it a gilt edged Football fact.
  16. l think he meant he never started bangin 'em in to begin with, nevermind still doin it!! he was good for chesterfield
  17. nah. lm gona watch the B and youth teams a bit this season tho so l'll DM you..
  18. sorry!!! l find the complete sentence quite sickening, but have to defer to its seeming mathematical accuracy. but l still wouldnt go to the final *
  19. l think that as a fanbase () we attach too much meaning to what gets typed on the #oafc maybe Elon has helped in this by banning none twatterers from reading it, we shall see..
  20. l listen to this tune about once every six months in an attempt to lie to myself. usually end up wasting a day or so regrettin stuff afterwards.
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