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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. aye, to suggest there was no warning how tough it would be is a bit silly. mind you l virtually live on this forum so l see all of it!!!! thing is, expectations are even higher for the new season..
  2. No it was everybody!! tranmere even dropped in to tell us. Basil told us at least twice, so it might be him you remember.
  3. anything that ends ham usually refers to an old settlement possibly on a hill, so technically Old ham means olde olde settlement on a hill. means weve been here the longest, ergo we are the best. thats how l respond to the Old ham joke anyway! works best on foreigners, give it a whirl let me know..
  4. also my reading but lm approaching it in a deliberatley pessimistic manner
  5. will the Chorley match be on their local frequency modulation radio broadcast does anybody know?
  6. cant see how they can avoid this type of stuff, can imagine it making some clubs fold
  7. southport for some reason seems appealling to me too and lve absolutely no idea why!!
  8. wrexham at home. theres more but that wasnt what you asked for.
  9. aye the odd long ball is fine coupled with everything else. its not ok when three long balls was everything you did all match the odd time you have posession!! one good thing it did show us was that our forwards were quite deadly 2nd half of the season, bc we werent exactly raining chances down on oppo goals, but still got a decent amount of goals.
  10. l saw flashes of Football last season and l think we will be much better this coming season. by 'defensive' l dont mean counter attacking l mean 8/9 players sit on the edge of our own box for 20mins 'soaking' then finally a loose ball GO GO GO cobble two passes together then launchhhh it rugby style into the corners for fast people to chase. makes me feel sick.
  11. tbh if we played better Football l could handle a rollercoaster play off loss, but if we are bypassing midfield for either Reid or Green to chase, or Nuttall to flick followed by Reid or Green to chase, then l want a title challenge. cant spell entitled wo title.
  12. IF hes defensive then for me only a proper title challenge is acceptable
  13. how long to do a pretend outside walk of our ground? 360 degrees start and end at the main entrance when we had that safety officer who was obsessed with CCTV and sitting young people in age related seats.. midday in july of course because everybody struggled at night matches seen a couple of nasty tumbles when Corney built the fancy landscaped car park behind the Joe Royle. also so some really funny ones too
  14. not everyone but thats just humanity l suppose.
  15. l dont think they do. the Football was shiteeeee.
  16. l dont think the Football will be like this season, we should be able to get an idea on this by the types of player we sign. altho we did sell Harry Vaughan when we sorely lacked the ability to play actual Football, lm putting that down to circumstance. expectations have been ramped up and lm not saying youre in it but theres defo a rabid group just praying we start badly, if we start slowly playing launchball it will go toxic fast. however it could be fun and great and glorious and positive and noisy and packed out. down to you, Rhino.. ps this season only ended a few hours ago, this is going to feel like a very impatient summer isnt it! how long til somebody on the hashtag starts moaning we havent signed anybody pps one now must join twitter to read the hashtag, so if this has already happened then no surprised face here.
  17. it was actually my first reaction when l read it!! some form of ill claimed arrogant gradeur complex that swills around in there. ld like to think l could maybe compose myself enough not to go embarrassingly bonkers but l'm obviously failing to account for the emotion of the moment.
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