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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. Latics' fans refusual to believe young players can improve as they age, with the correct support, has a similar impact on me. not to mention the higher peak and maturity age for 'Keepers.
  2. meh. its division five, even if we won the league l probably wouldnt even celebrate nevermind scrape the play offs* *this is almost certainly complete bollocks and needs the salt grinder.
  3. l remember you saying. Dave Og too, but l think he wins the odd time.
  4. yeah. l dont really like horse racing but l do like horses and even a basic field horse is expensive so racing them must be like owning boats!!
  5. does that not just vastly increase his chance of winning/placing?
  6. the only way they can both play is in a 4231 which fits Rooney in the 10. however, l expect us to sign at least one top CM and Sheron/Shelton play around half the matches, maybe some at RB when new top RB misses a few.
  7. love the first part of the attitude, but thats not what you said. you said we should aim for top and that the play offs need going in the bin two up two down like the gold days! that was obviously going to recieve legitimate counter argument. l think it was Matt on the pod (and also glossopp above) saying he is sure that within the club the aim is the title. l also feel this is the case and the club not shouting it everywhere is the correct approach. its going to be a longggg summer. l actually love Cricket, but even for me this is gona drag!
  8. oh dear. lve actually lost track of clubs in crisis bc theres jus so many now. probably didnt help that we spent about six years in an omnicrisis, l almost became stockholmed to it!
  9. he's decent Ripley isnt he? not really followed his career but has he not run his deal down so he can move upwards?
  10. yes that is inyeresting he will need to be able to do it aswell so he can show how drills go, lots of keepers now are frustrated strikers!!!
  11. some of the other fans postings have been good. Red contributed a decent name, a pub location and literally nothing else.
  12. they only would have changed the kit to red, cast Sean Bean as a striker and had them winning the league at the end anyway
  13. l never got to keep the packet l only got 1-2 of them and the points went into a communal pot (theres that red flag again) to buy golden petrol lighters like in the films
  14. he was just in the wrong places at the wrong times
  15. shit l do recognise words there!! lm not on a pc so l cant highlight it to copy and paste into translate but l'll say at least we looked cool doing it!
  16. all my Latin comes from Life of Brian and smoking benson and heldges as a child
  17. anyway its not my fault lm too intelligent for you to follow
  18. thats why l did it!!!! Rosa is funny they'll get it
  19. on reflection and after digesting the retained for now list, we have no roon for him as it stands.
  20. l think Couto should be moved into tje midfielders section
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