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Everything posted by Forte_Baby

  1. This is the sort of player who sounds promising and the playershare could be of good use to. However if its Ricketts he should be sent packing.
  2. You asked Chrissy i for one do not believe you strange i have heard it was true of people who know the lad alot more than you.
  3. I agree would rather see us play a Non League side with a bit of history rather than a team set up by a bunch of idiots who threw there toys out there pram when they did not get there own way.
  4. Does not say ifs its just season ticket holders who can buy tickets?
  5. Another factor is if they are kids there will be lots of pressure from the club and supporters to see the 2 suspects charged and alot more interest than your normal arson case.
  6. His he still training with us? pretty sure i have seen his name mentioned in the reserve squads? if so do you think he his on a contract or out to set the rule for longest trialist at the club. Just seems strange if it is his him maybe Dickov sees something he likes in him.
  7. testimonial are another dying trend in football very few players stay at a club longer than four years nevermind ten, nearest player we got to earning a testimonial for lenght of service is Lomax surly. :o
  8. Yeah seems quite a few of the Oasis lads are not having it either this year seems most people are saving there money for Sheff Weds.
  9. 120 IF WHERE LUCKY MATE alot of people seem to be giving it a miss. Seem quite a few of the dieheads who go all over never miss a game are not doing this one. At the sametime i know one or two who normally not go who are having this one.
  10. Was told he had a good game and Dickov liked what he saw. Lets hope he his worth the gamble.
  11. There is a steward at Latics who told me he taught Lewi, said he was a talented player and Lewi knew that and at times use to sulk if he was told off or didnt like being told what to do and had this am better than everyone attitude. But then i suppose if you are a good footballer and know your going to get into a school of excellence proberly explains why. Agreed Prozac to be honest i have never liked Worthington myself, as for Lomax against Barrow and Falkirk he looked alright like he had a point to prove.
  12. I can see both arguements here. The standard in the conference has imporved greatly over the years and i think sending younger players on loan there is a good move. There is very little standard in the reserves which hampers players development. At the same time the conference is split into two, full time teams and part time teams. Truth is baring some miricle Gateshead will always be one the smaller teams who are struggling proberly why players have said no. Also if the two players are Worthington and Lomax. Worthington is a few olders and had a few more clubs than Lomax so he probery thinks he can get into a league one side or league two team. For Lomax its different, apart from his loan spell at Dale he has only ever played at Latics. Lets not forget he was very lucky to be resigned by Shez due to injuries, however he has seen what has happened to Matty Barlow, Carlos Roca, Chris Rowney, players who have gone into Non League and never made it back into the football league. Hence why he stay in the reserves keep his hopes alive.
  13. Is this the same French lad we had on trial against United Reserves the other week?
  14. Totally disagree this season is simply about building a team that can play football. What i have seen under Dickov is a big improvement than under Penny. But then the fact you are already talking about the play offs and your silly rumours shows how your the sort of fan with unrealstic expectations.
  15. http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/NewsU...~2161871,00.htm Looks like it aint been posted good to see that Purdie has scored but seems to have not picked up anymore injuries.
  16. Is there a nominated pub that the oasis lads are going in for this one?
  17. The lower part of the main stand should be £15 all matches whatever the match, Atleast that way you know whatever the weather what your paying for.
  18. :grin: A few of us tried getting that going in the Chaady mate, although the guy alongside us had his own chant which was TOU TOU TOUNKAAARA, TOU TOU TOUNKAAARA. yours sound better and more original.
  19. Royle Army has had more Regenerations than Doctor Who.
  20. Royle Army has had more correct premonitions than Nostradamus.
  21. I was on Premiership Greatest as an Oldham fan backn on 2003 Sky looked after us well paid for both my hotel and train ticket grand day.
  22. RoyleArmy can change water into wine. RoyleArmy was spared heaven after boring the hell out of Jesus Christ while he was being crucified.
  23. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writ...ices/index.html http://www.schwatzgelb.de/2010-09-03_edito...by_boycott.html good to see them make a stand.
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