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Everything posted by Forte_Baby

  1. Only realistic chance of getting to Wembley other than the play offs. Can remember under Talbot when we lost to Wrexham in the Northern final. I was gutted its ok people dismissing this competiton but the chance to play at Wembley, the chance to see Oldham flags around the staduim in the national spotlight, chance to lift a trophy. Yes most kids may support United or City but can you imagine if we did mange to win this competiton? how many would want to go to Wembley? something to tell there children about as some of are older supporters do about the Littlewoods cup final. Personally i hope we go all the way in this competiton and i hope Dickov looks at winning this competiton as a chance to make his CV look better.
  2. Pretty sure i have read in the past when its a London game quite a few fans have parked in Watford then got the tube to the game or depending who we are playing.
  3. AM SURE Purdie was spotted in the crow at Barrow i can when the club had its summer sale i bought the shirt Purdie whore last season. (well for the team photo)
  4. so many blind deluded abbott haters. our fans deserve players like keigan parker and michael ricketts, big names on the decline who dont give a crap about the club and fool us into thinking they are born again and that they will re find they're career highlighting form. thats all our fans are good for because we get on the back and chase out any decent player who tries and puts in a shift. Ronnie was right, were a club lookiig backwards, living in the past.
  5. showunmi was at Falkirk there as big as someone like lincoln. I doubt to many better teams than the Trannies are in for him just how Feeney took a wage cut to come here Enoch will do the same if he wants to play professional football.
  6. I still remember going to the Masters each pre Oldham being invovled use to ake up for the lack of football. Still think eventually we will be allowed back.
  7. I was speaking to Alan Hardy after the Barrow game and i was talking about the world cup he made it clear they where to be banned from BP. As someone eho experinced them at South Africa i enjoyed it them brought a little life into the game and at the Holland v Denmark match when the ground was silent sounded good. However i just could not see them ever taking off in England and the fact they could be used as an offensive weapon which i saw myself when a mexican smacked a Liverpool fan over the head with it. Also a Boro fan upset an American when his mate poured beer down it ans he spat it out. However i do not like the plastic horns we see at other games and the drum we have but if fans bring them to games i would just carry on watching the team play.
  8. Went to Rhyl a few seasons ago good trip gutted it is not on a Saturday.
  9. +1111 sounds like are fans representative is the clubs own Comical Ali is everything is ok nothing to worry about while keeping the truth under wraps.
  10. Further knowlegde to anyone up there good pub about 20min away called The Strawberry.
  11. They wont put the cheap tickets onto untill 2months before the date you want to travel.
  12. Looks good mate as i said on the thread was quality would love to go back over myself.
  13. The owner of that flag lives in Shaw cannot remember his name but he drinks in the pineapple he offered me the chance to take it over but said no.
  14. Unlucky Robbie Earle i manged to get my photo took with some of these girls.
  15. Sorry to disagree but at the games and beforehand the horns sounded very good although it wont catch on over here.
  16. Ok got to say all the uproar from the press South Africa was quality, the place was friendly, clean, great supporters. Had am amazing time there was no TROUBLE, whatsoever we where made to feel very welcome. The atmosphere was good and if anyone else can get over there i would say go for it. The weather was great alot of supporters at the Holland game where very happy to see my Oldham shirt.
  17. Only downside is the Dale is mid week, only new ground for me is Dagenham this season not to bothered about Colchester being mid week. Hartlepool on new years day excellent think i will be having new years eve up Newcastle.
  18. They signed a so called promising player from Lancaster, Crewe who we where suppose to be interested in we will see.
  19. Was in York for a family wedding the other weekend had a great time gutted its off.
  20. Part the reason i think a fresh face is needed being on a board is someone who raises issues, someone who will challenge there judgement who wants the best for the clubs and fans, rather than someone who can just tell his ex work mates on the golf course oh look am on the board of the club. To be fair by the time his role does come up for relection i suspect the TTA will proberly long gone.
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