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Everything posted by Forte_Baby

  1. My idea for the team would be this, give Eardley another chance in midfield like when we played Crewe. Replace Hazell with Maher. Push Davies onto the right wing and replace Ormerod with Allesandra. 1.Crossley 2. Byrne 4. Gregan 5. Maher 3. Jones 11. Davies 6. Eardley 8. Whitaker 7. Taylor 9. Hughes 10. Alessandra 12. Allot 13. Fleming 14. Ormerod 15. Stephans 16. Hazell
  2. Home or away been quiet i said earlier in the season when we are playing really bad we should still try and sing Ernie songs.
  3. By QPR be nice to see him try manage a club without money us, Charlton, Palace, Coventry and QPR all had plenty of cash to spend.
  4. Also nice to see Curzon Ashton make it into the next round.
  5. Remember on Rivals use to be a lad who came up from Exeter often.
  6. No Blackburn, Leeds or Bolton although i suspect one of these will make the trio up. Leeds switched to Yorkshire masters.
  7. Hopefully Shez will added the clause he cannot play in the FA cup for them.
  8. I think it would be Wolfy be stupid to let Davies, O Grady or Smalley, Allessandra or Hughes go. Although that young lad Brooke is a good little player.
  9. Just been admitted to hospital with head injuries, a fractured collarbone and a broken arm. Apparently his date stood him up...
  10. I think Shez has got doubts about Hughes fitness and we have shown when he does not play we struggle in attack.
  11. Stalybridge Celtic lose 6-1 at home to Durham City 2 divisions below. Curzon beat Mossley 4-3 and Droylsden beat Gateshead meaning good chance of a Tameside team being in FA cup round one if they win the next game.
  12. Said after the Stockport game and today he looks more of an attacking player than defender. Atleast with both Eardley and Gregan back gives us more options.
  13. A good read. http://aliverpoolthing.blogspot.com/...f-academy.html Are Liverpool killing off the academy? I came across this report on Liverpool reserves and would like to hear your opinions. IMO since we havent seen anyone break through to the first team from the academy since Gerard and Carragher, and going on the great sucess of last years reserves, i think Raffas doing a great job! Liverpool’s reserves lost in the league for the first time in over a year last week, a record that brings back happy memories of an era where the second string used to routinely win the Pontins League under the guidance of future first team manager Roy Evans. The strategy back then was also very similar tot e one that Rafael Benitez has been adopting even if the range of nationalities has been widened drastically. Players with potential are brought in with the aim of allowing them to develop within the club. Back then it was the likes of Ian Rush, Steve Nicol, Alan Hasen, Ronnie Whelan and Gary Gillespie, now it is Daniel Pacheco, Damien Plessis, Krisitan Nemeth, Dean Bouzanis, Nabil El Zhar and Mikel San Jose. There is, however, one big difference: Beniez hasn’t been strengthening the reserves as much as he has been stacking them. A run down through the reserves squad reveals that there are more than 25 players available for Gary Ablett to chose from and that’s without including out of favour first teamers like Jermaine Pennant who made an appearance last week. It is an anomalous situation. On the face of it, there is little wrong with such an approach. Most of the players have cost very little so the risk is minimal and if even one player become a first team regular then the club would have saved millions. And, even if they don’t , a good number of them have already built such a reputation that were they to be sold they would make a profit. All of which adds to the situation’s attractiveness. Yet for all those plus points, it is hard to escape the feeling that things have been overdone. Most of the players are in the 17 to 20 age bracket, a crucial period for one’s development. Playing regularly is critical to keep on improving yet this is impossible particularly with the limited game numbers of the current league structure. And that’s only half the problem. With so many players jostling for playing time, how can Ablett even contemplate looking at how the kids at the academy are doing? How can the likes of Nathan Ecclestone, David Amoo, Marvin Pourie and Michael Scott – all players who need to step up a level to continue their development – progress if there are so many ahead of them? Just as it was under Gerard Houllier, the impression is that the Academy is being treated like a foreign body not as part of the whole structure through which players can progress. Benitez’s recent admission that he intends to restructure the academy is as close to confirmation of that as you are likely to get. Does this imply that Benitez would willingly block the progress of players because they are coming from the Academy? Of course not yet, having brought in so many players, the message that he is putting across is that there isn’t any room in his set-up for them.
  14. A mate of mine plays for them i remember reading about them in the football pink.
  15. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/200...15875-20789268/ Geoff Horsfield exclusive: Striker forced to retire due to testicular cancer By David Anderson 9/10/2008 Geoff Horsfield Geoff Horsfield Geoff Horsfield last night revealed he has been forced to retire after being diagnosed with testicular cancer. The former Fulham, Birmingham and West Brom striker was given the devastating news after discovering a lump in his left testicle and will have surgery next week. Horsfield, 34, had hoped to earn a contract with Walsall after being released by Sheffield United in the summer, but is now determined to win the biggest battle of his life. “I found a small lump in my left testicle and went to see the doctor at West Brom, who’s a good friend of mine,” he said. “I was diagnosed last Friday and I’m going in for surgery next Thursday. The surgeon has told me that this is the end of my professional career, which is disappointing. “But I’ve had 10 good years with Fulham, Birmingham, Wigan, West Brom and all the other clubs I’ve played for and enjoyed it. “That’s at the back of my mind now. It’s just one of those things and I’ve come to terms with my career being over. “All I’m thinking about now is beating this. I’ve always been a fighter right through my football career and I’m going to fight this and win.” Horsfield has been told he has a good chance of making a full recovery because he acted so quickly. “The specialist told me I did well to find the lump because it is so small,” he said. “He says I stand a good chance of making a full recovery because we’ve got in early.” THE HARDEST PART WAS HAVING TO TELL MY WIFE & THREE CHILDREN Geoff Horsfield was always fearless on the pitch but telling his family he had cancer was the most daunting thing he has ever done. Horsfield's first thought when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer was how he would break the devastating news to his wife and three kids. He spoke to his wife Tina and they sat down with Chris, 17, Chloe, 12, and Leah, eight, in their Staffordshire home and told them what had happened. The former Fulham, Birmingham, Wigan and West Brom striker knew they would fear the worst because some of their relatives had died from the disease. Horsfield told them he didn't want to see any tears and that with their help, he would win the greatest fight of his life. "The kids have seen some of the family die of cancer so when they heard the word cancer, they immediately thought 'is he going to die?" he said. "It came as a huge shock to them and I had to sit them down and talk them through it, which was tough. I had to explain that the lump would be taken out and that I might have to have chemotherapy or radiotherapy. "I tried to joke about it to soften the blow by saying I might need to wear a cap or a wig if my hair falls out. "I tried to get across to them that I would get better. I'm a fit, relatively young man and I'm going to get through it. "I told them I needed them to be positive and I didn't want to see any of them crying. We're going to deal with this as a family as we have done with everything." Horsfield, who will forever be remembered for scoring the goal which helped keep West Brom up on the final day of the 2005 season, has received support from Millwall striker Neil Harris, who was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2001. The Yorkshireman will have the lump in his left testicle removed by surgeons next Thursday and has been told his chances of making a full recovery are good. Horsfield, 34, is determined to be upbeat and said: "No one wants to be told they have cancer, but if you've got to have it then testicular cancer is a good one to have because a lot of people have recovered from it. "The specialist and the surgeon are positive too and once they remove the lump and do a biopsy, they will be able to tell me what treatment I'll need next. "I've already spoken to Neil Harris and he was great, telling me what to expect, while Alan Stubbs also beat it. I've got my head round it now and I'm just focused on getting better. "I'm determined to beat it. I've been a fighter all my life and I'm going to fight this with everything I've got." Horsfield had hoped to win a contract with Walsall and is sad there will be no more moments like helping Birmingham win promotion in 2002 or scoring for the Blues against Aston Villa. However he claims being diagnosed with cancer puts any disappointment at seeing his career ended into perspective. Best of luck to him.
  16. Around the 5000ish mark Hereford will bring about 400 its not that far for them.
  17. Just read on the article about Kieran Lee training it mentioned about a reserve game at Northwich anyone got any info on this?
  18. Dam i had hoped for Truro City FC away but will take whoever.
  19. At the same time Stoke where trying to loan allsort of players and could not afford it.
  20. Chadderton FC need all the help they can get at the moment.
  21. Thing is Stitch you are right as i said one London, French and Welsh team does not make Rugby League a National Sport. I worked at the 2000 WORLD rugby League world cup. We where selected at college to look after the teams in the smaller nations comp. Players where staying the student halls at Hopwood Hall, crowds where poor. I remember a meeting there and then for fixtures for the next ten years which never happened. Fact that there was an extra GB team in to make numbers. Best part was be aged 17 going on the last with the Canadians. Most of the players did not even live or where born in there respective countries but had second cousins or a long lost Auntie. I think the 2008 system is poor also. However my Old man was a big Rugby League fan which is the real reason i look out for Oldham scores. However the bitterness and Anti football comments, such as blaming us for there sport being in the dark ages real does my head in.
  22. Stockport are playing it all down called Spin. Stockport do not want a big fine of the FA, most goes of the referee reports and also if it looks like all hell broke out could mean tighter restrictions for games against clubs like Crewe, Huddersfield, Leeds and future games to come. Do Stocky really want to lose more matchday earnings? could even get them in trouble with there landlords.
  23. Tom Fent was talking about a weekend down there also Luke any chance of PM us name of hotel?
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