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Everything posted by Forte_Baby

  1. Fresh blood fresh ideas always welcome and needed in Football.
  2. Wonder if Dickov will sill be in charge should Donny have a have a bad start to the season by the time we play them.
  3. A guy called Richard Taylor wonder if he his putting any ££££ part me thinks it's more of his business experience. http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/news/article/20140717-new-director-1757395.aspx
  4. Thought of the two keepers Tyson in the first half had the better game. Funny moment when the young keeper in the second half nearly headed it into his own net. Was a good run out decent game to watch fact they played mainly a team if grown men meaning it be a more physical battle atleast gives them some idea if any break into the first team what to expect. I thought young jake Hargreaves stood out for me in the second half.
  5. Am going getting a lift looks a ball ache by public transport looking forward to it. Last couple of games I have watched the Youth team have played well. Expect it to be tougher than the match with FC United youth game last week.
  6. Will never forget that Cardiff game had no excuse but to stay till the end I arrived at 2-0 and seconds later the 3rs went in
  7. Never liked Scunthorpe ground but one thing about them is if they sell a player on tend to often find a decent replacement.
  8. Yes some fans did want to attend the game yes we are Oldham fans we like to see our team play. What appealed to me about this game was how offen do we play European Oppposistion? Otherwise I would not of enquired. However Reading Diego conments I optied to go see the Youth team play instead. People's choice what they do not the crime of the century you have ago about fans who moan but seem quick to slate fans. Just because it may not be your other cup tie no need to have ago at others.
  9. Nar can understand people being annoyed think the point is aimed at how much the security was on the day. Behind closed games are a common thing and personally if we get more out of it than we got from the reserves cannot see it being a major problem. Although those who watch reserve games often can understand there fustration watched a few myself between shifts at work. sounds to me more like your looking for an excuse just have a pop at fans.
  10. Future away games at chapel road plenty of gaps and spaces to watch games even if behind closed doors.
  11. Another reminder the youth team playing FC United at 11am Chapel Road
  12. Saw that on Facebook myself was gonna go down and chance it but knowing others who went the other night will give it a miss.
  13. Did they get it up when I was over FIFA had the stewards remove any flags put up inside the ground
  14. Very little on his World cup break proberly not play till there league season starts
  15. He was being looked at by other clubs a few season back injured his ligaments and still played a trial game for Everton at one point.
  16. 2 of there fans where talking to me at the England v Costa Rica game the other day none of them had heard anything about the friendly one didnt even know Villa had signed for them. However the London based one said he may pop up for the game.
  17. Anyone who dares use the excuse against Uruguay about the heat needs there head banging against a wall. On arrival and most of the day in Sau Paulo the conditions heat, clouds drizzle it was not much warmer than an average day you find anywhere in England.
  18. Would love Boro away but if we where to win at home potential tie with Man U next round if we where able to get through and draw them be a massive incentive
  19. People who often watch games know that scouts from the bigger clubs often attend games and Bove has caught the eye of other clubs.
  20. Tried joining but does not say if i been accepted or not
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