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Everything posted by AnthonyOAFC

  1. Superb win today. It's rare you see a team play brilliantly EVERY game through the course of an 8 match unbeaten run. It's great that we are looking solid. Does anyone know the last time we were 8 games unbeaten?
  2. Superb. I think around there will be around 1200 of our lot.
  3. The pressure the players are under is massive. When Tim Gleason came from Hurricanes, He said he didn't expect so many members of the media and press to be interviewing the players pre and post game. It's upsetting knowing there will only be one Canadian team in the playoffs.
  4. Oh god. Don't start with the Leafs. Horrid season for us.
  5. Last time I went to Carlisle away was when Eardley scored a last minute free kick. Anyone know how many we took that day?
  6. Another song which I heard was sung at Bradford was "Your ground is too big for you." Lame!
  7. Just looking at the highlights on Youtube. The second goal was really well worked with a brutal finish.
  8. I'm feeling that we are pretty much safe now. However, there is still a chance. Great 3 points today and sounds like the support was great too. OWTB.
  9. Generating a good atmosphere will get a few more people coming to Boundary Park on a regular basis. There's many times I've sat in the Chaddy End and it's felt far from a matchday experience. I'm all for anything which will improve the matchday experience and atmosphere.
  10. #nopieoldhamathletic - Those bastard times when the pies run out. Didn't realise someone already put this one down. #nicetry
  11. Going off the amount of people I know/came across who used to go to Boundary Park when there were 4 stands and good football being played, there are ALOT of people who stay away. I'm pretty sure that we have alot of supporters who choose not to go due to relegation fighting every season. They would definately come back when we have the new stand built and at the other end of the table. Unfortunately, I don't see us getting in the top 10 for quite a while.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aLTnt67XuM Just watching this. What a boring chap.
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