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Everything posted by AnthonyOAFC

  1. I think it's terrible that a CAPTAIN and leader of the squad has left whilst we are in a relegation battle.
  2. For me, Newcastle. First team I was introduced to was Oldham but I always loved watching Shearer play. I've been to a few Newcastle matches aswell and they really do have fantastic and mental supporters. That's about it. Also, due to the connection between the clubs, I also like Frankfurt. It's good to look out for those dudes.
  3. Past couple of seasons, I've attended every home game. I'm pretty skint this season so I can only make a game every now and then. I'm not going to change what I do just because of the cup run. I'm an Oldham fan and I will support my team in every way possible regardless of the situation.
  4. I couldn't go tonight due to having no money at all (being a skint student and all that). However, the fans were absolutely brilliant tonight. The noise that came through on the TV was an amazing thing as Everton fans were drowned with Oldham noise. I laughed at the "2-0, and you still don't sing" chant. The players gave it their all and major respect goes to the busy man himself TP. Iwelumo didn't do enough for me and could of tried alot harder. We have alot of hard times but it's times like this which shows us all why we support such a beautiful club. Lets get that stand built and stay up in this mad league.
  5. I find it hilarious you can't identify that he he is a great bloke but didn't get the results so he wasn't what we needed for the club. He is a top bloke who cares about the club but I wanted him out.
  6. Think Tarky did ace tonight as he won a ton of headers and set Robbie up when he nearly scored. Croft also worked his ass off tracking Baines. What a journey this is. Very emotional here. Bring it on!
  7. Croft does look like he has lost abit of fat. Iwelumo needs to do abit more and put abit more effort in, in my opinion.
  8. pretty good coverage of Oldham that. It could of been worse and they could of gone into some really shat parts.
  9. Performances and results will get people coming back.
  10. Aye, don't think Knill or Brown are right for the club.
  11. Yep, spot on. From what I've seen, he seems like a quiet bloke on the bitch. EDIT: I meant he seems like a quiet bloke on the pitch but I'm going to leave it how it is.
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