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Everything posted by laticdickovarmy

  1. I would try and tie Furman down as well with 2 years or let him walk as next summer is the World Cup and should SA get there an he be in the squad he will be in the greatest shop window ever and will gain the club more exposure Plus if Wes got injured which he has a history of then we would have to get loans in Smith is madness, give him a deal. I dont know what Iwelumo is on here and if we are paying anything at all of his wages but I would be happy for him to walk and help use some of that money to secure Smith for a year with a option of 1 more. Simpson could play as a 2nd striker and gives us more than Iwelumo until the end of the season. Echo what has been said above, you cant have a massive overhaul of players and then expect in August to hit the ground running. Tie down the core and build around Tarky, JYM, Grounds, id give Brown 1 more year, Wes is here, Montano is here, get Crofty another year deal, Furman, smith. Tie down Murray and Byrne as player coaches again to help with numbers. Let one of the keepers go, probably Cisak, bomb Simmo out in the summer, Baxter I expect will be sold to a championship club and go with our blessing but say 4-5 leave we could get 4 or 5 more and 2 of those listed played less than 15 games each anyway
  2. Anything under 6250 is a huge dissapointment in my opinion I will be there anyway
  3. The 4 who have answered 'yes' so far can I ask if you will try and go to every game from now until the end of the season? Delighted to have you back
  4. Its simple as the more than come back the more money the club will have, in theory that means we have more to spend and will be able to produce better players on the pitch and facilites off it, which will give us a better chance of playing the likes of Liverpool & Everton and having the nights like we have had in the cup and preforming better in the league You want to team to genuinely improve and you can afford it then get to games
  5. I actually agree with the Baxter comments its just that he is leaps and bounds above most which we have
  6. Difficult as players I have seen on there day were very good but maybe not in top 3 Forrester at Brentford seen a few times and looked a class act Lad who played middle of the park v us for Tranmere ran the show (not sure think was Wallace) dont know if he has been that good all season but he skippered them Leon Clarke carried Scunny start of the season and has a shed load since gone to Coventry That aside could have choosen 8 Swidnon players they were that good when played against us, Madden at Yeovil must be worth a mention and Grigg was good the other week at Walsall. Not as easy as thought when thinking about it
  7. Very true and no I wouldnt if im honest blame him (dependant on the amount) We all guess how much he has put into the club but really no one knows and doubt ever will. What is for sure is he has done a great job IMO and kept this club afloat
  8. If Corney leaves is there not a possibility that he could take a huge chunk of the cup money with him, thus meaning we would make a hell of a lot less in reality? I dont know the politics but im sure corney has put a lot of his own money into the club and make feel he is due a cut of that back As for the lee rumour im not comfortable that a new owner would appoint a family member to run 1st team affairs as if he is :censored: what happens? Does he stick with Sammy Lee regardless of how we are doing as he is family? Its all rumours anyway and take it with a pinch of salt at the moment
  9. I have no problem with players who are simply not good enough but he is one of the experienced players and not putting in a shift is bang out of order and im sorry but he did not put in a shift The camera at one stage zoomed in on him and was amazed to see he was sweating even I just wonder if he had it in his contract that he had to start in the cup games???? Im glad he did in the cup as league is our bread and butter and Smith must start Saturday ITV made a point that if we had someone to launch the ball in from throws to Smith we could be deadly
  10. Simply JYM must be kept at this club if we want to move up a level next season if we stay up this Huge JYM fan
  11. Effectively you could say Smith cup-tied the whole Liverpool side in this years cup
  12. I actually would against Everton's yes, tied in with the fact Glenn B hasnt been fit for a long time and has a lack of football even at reserve level since his injury If he had been fit for months and had a few apperances wouldnt be doubting it but thats a strong baptisim of fire by anyone standards. It probably doesnt help havent since much of him either. Lol lets be honest we will be winning anyway and probably be pinned it with 9 back at Barnard up top clinging onto the lead at that time Doesnt matter now anyway as Murray is cup tied as didnt realise
  13. We have two quality keepers Gerard works with and he is doing a brilliant job helping TP. Wont happen surely
  14. If Tarky went of I would move Grounds in at CB, shift Brown to left back and put Muray at RB. Worrying because of lack of football for Murray of late and Grounds at CB but would be more experienced than Belizeka playing at the back who has been out for ages Lets hope doesnt come to this and sure it wont
  15. Did that Dutch bloke who was on here from Den Haag come over in the end?
  16. Are be doing Swansea to win by exactly 2 and to win by 3 goals or more Sadly cant see Bradford doing it, the pitch at Wembley is huge and Swansea will pass them off the park for fun and have them chasing shadows I fear but I will be delighted if Bradford do it
  17. Aussiefan loves the vote up and down buttons but c'mon mate what's your opinion?
  18. For what it's worth I actually think Cisak is a better keeper but Bouzy has the right attitude Lol where is Dean Brill these days *head shakes*
  19. Who would you play Saturday? I personally think Cisak is a better keeper, not sure if everyone agrees and pretty sure that one (likely to be Cisak) wont be here in the summer unless he plays games from now until then A, Who is the better keeper? B, Who would you play Saturday?
  20. I agree with the OP but my worry is that someone like PD didnt really use his youth which makes the post of looking after the youth pretty much not worth while I have critised Tarky before but id rather have a Oldham player and a product of our youth playing than a premership kid with the same or even less exposure to 1st team football Its a breath of fresh air having Tarky, and Winchester both starting in a league game Tuesday which we won
  21. £50k For someone who has played 2 league games and then released by Crewe over someone who is an international midfielder I have never seen Gardner granted but running games at that level against leauge 1 is a totally different story Furman In Quarmby Out
  22. I hope not! Furman is far from a bad player cant understand the abuse he gets Against Donny in the cup he ran the show, he was just used incorerctly by PD, far to deep. He broke through the game line Tuesday and when we threw the long ball up to Smith Furman was there Lampard style to finish because he was told to get further up the pitch! I hope he gets a new deal, top bloke has grown our fanbase in Africa as they love him and is our skipper. He came on Saturday and straight away started trying to motivate our side. Big fan of Furms but I seem to be in the minority. Wes injury must not be bad if this is true but do we really need to reduce the wage budget when we wont get a fee as out contract in the summer Im calling bull:censored: on this rumour and hope it is just that
  23. Is Grounds here next season? He is a very good player so hoping so, I would try and pin him down for 2 more years and 1 year for Crofty with an option of a 2nd
  24. I would try everything to talk TP into taking it (only until the end of the season) which isnt far away as im sure the youth season ends a few weeks before the 1st team If he keeps us up give him a juicy bouns, the thing which most impressed me last night is he can see that something isnt going right and had the balls to change it We seem already to be fitter and the players are playing for him If we appoint a new manager you might not get the above and might not use TP youth team anyway I would imagine he is a cheap option as well which SC will love until the end of the season Lets make no mistake about it with the right tatics and motivation this squad should be challenging for top half maybe something like 12-15 place not in a relegation scrap but this is the postion we find ourselves in No one should get a place in this team if it aint deserved and TP by changing things round hopefully will keep players on their toes and motivated If we cant talk him into it until May then it has to be Dowie surely? It becomes a much more attractive job in the summer starting a fresh with a whole season to work his magic and perhaps a bigger wage budget then he would have expected when the job was 1st offered to him Lets not get ahead of ourselves we are far from safe and Pompey imo is the biggest game of the season so far, its must win as the teams around us bar Preston have winnable games as well
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