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Everything posted by laticdickovarmy

  1. I already have my trains booked from home in Gloucester to Nottingham, so going completley the wrong way lol
  2. I was impressed by Stevenage when they came here earlier in the season they were well set up and their two CB stood up well to the direct threat at the end well Annoying then to think we lost 1-0 when Tarky headed the ball back short
  3. Can I not choose 3 options! Next seasons wages Extending contracts New Stand Not in that order as such though
  4. :censored: that confirms wouldnt be able to go as at the Premier League Darts in Nottingham for a long weekend!!! I will be the only person in Notts wearing a Latics shirt going mad if we score!
  5. Im sure other should be in front of Smith, oh well Did he actually win it in round 4?
  6. Love the drum but the prick with the bell for Pompey who will be at the game Saturday can sod off
  7. The longer we stay in the game the more they will get nervous. I think im right in saying that Goodison is a small and tight pitch so hopefully they shouldnt get in behind us so easy and could help us get the ball into the box and the big man easier by going front to back as long as we dont sit to deep and invite them onto us We will fight up a fight I hope but lets just go there and enjoy it If we are going to score our set-pieces need to be bang on the money
  8. Its £22-£23 I think mate. I was looking at going and hoping that with it being midweek might be £15 or something but I aint playing travel, take off work and then £23 when I can go a home midweek for £20 instead or even Goodison Park
  9. For me Grounds, he was outstanding IMO and you can see he has played at a higher level and without that corner Smith would have never headed us a replay but there were a lot of outstanding preformances
  10. Im not too worried about us I just want Everton to shift as many tickets their side as possible so we make as much as possible As before, if you want a ticket for this you will get one
  11. If you want more kids to experience this and grow our fan base for the future you can always donate to laticsforlife via paypal to laticsforlife@live.co.uk Hopefully the near 100 kids who have received season tickets were at the game Saturday and therefore have more than paid for their donated season tickets
  12. What hasnt been mentioned is Grounds delivery for the goal was bang on the money Baxters delivery was poor by his standards Saturday but Grounds got it spot on, had the ball not been put there we wouldnt be talking of going to Goodison Park but the poor defending and goalkeeping that led to Jagelika heading them in front Still buzzing after Saturday, would love there to have been a camera in both dressing rooms ala Rugby after the game to see the difference in emotions
  13. He could just go in the club shop and buy another Oh and a flick of the head just earnt the club 400k No way will he be fined not if the club want him to sign a new deal anyway in the summer
  14. Iwelumo is a journeyman who has had his day, he has had a decent career for a reason and has great leadership qualities but he is too slow, no where near as effect in the air as Smith (not many are) At the end of the day Smith is a permenant player who 99% of us would give a new contract to and Iwelumo is a loan player I certainly wouldn't Play the big man and get bodies around him
  15. A had none sat around me but at half-time was speaking to two lads with thick scouse accents who said they could see why Liverpool struggled v us
  16. Im so skint its unreal, I have a dilema as cant afford Sheff Utd & Everton game I think to keep crowds up the club should look at reducing the fee for Sheff Utd game as have Pompey Saturday as well to maybe £10 and get 6,000+ crowd as Blades will pack their end This is the greatest chance in a while to help keep the stayaways coming back
  17. I cant belive I just listened to 3mins of the :censored: before I switched off
  18. I remember at Kidderminster in round 1 when he was warming up and kicking the ball into the empty net even that was getting ironic cheers So happy for the lad
  19. Where is the thread started by I think Prozac backing smith before the JPT game v Chesterfield? Lets see who thought he had it in him (I was one)
  20. Where is the thread started by I think Prozac backing smith before the JPT game v Chesterfield? Lets see who thought he had it in him (I was one)
  21. If the stay aways don't come back after the Liverpool, mk dons and Everton they never will
  22. Shoes off if you love oldham One my fav things at a football ground is chelsea fans when they do the bounce when I go with dad it's immense and really adds to the atmosphere Sure you will find it if type into YouTube
  23. I know I'm not the only one who will watch that 3 times over and still be up cheering my head off Get the F in their
  24. Could you just imagine us v utd at BP and De Gea getting battered black and blue by Smith e everytime a cross came in haha
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