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Everything posted by laticdickovarmy

  1. When the new manager comes in with 15 games left after tomorrow's how much blame would you place with them if they couldn't keep us up bearing in mind they would have had a 1/3 of the season 8 home games and loads points to play for against the teams in and around us? Would they become as culpable as the players and previous manager? or considerably less so as they have taken over another managers side If they keep us up they will be deemed a hero so if they take us down are they a villain?
  2. One thing is for sure if things dont go our way tomorrow with our results and others the job could be even less attractive On the flip side it could be a win for us and loses for those around us and someone would have a slightly easier task
  3. Dont seem arsey at all mate I didnt watch them with a mk supporting mate but do have a mate who supports the dons I dont mind Pompey at all, never done anything to annoy me and I hope they can get out of the situation they are in, the reality is they wont and the people who put them in this mess walked away a long time ago from what I can see as an outsider. I also backed Pompey to go down start of the season. As for MK dons I dispise them and all they stand for, there manager, fans, chairman the lot and the fact my best mate supports them in typical friends way I enjoy when they lose
  4. I can't argue with a single word of that and pretty much sums up my feelings
  5. Sod it i might have £20 at 3/1 which could bring him back into 9/4 or 2/1
  6. Agree with the Tarky comments. He undoubtably has a lot to learn but he has something you cant teach and that is leadership qualities If we looked at it on that basis you would say Scholes should get the job as he actually cares about this club (or at least appears to) and hopefully could show his passion. What worries me is we have people like Saturday as an example when we are winning find it easy then when we conceded didnt want the ball etc. I would rather have half the talent in this squad and twice the battlers in the current postion we find ourselves in Dickov had the passion but lacked the tatical nous and ability to get the passion out in the players From what I have seen Furman always strikes me as caring about the club but im struggling to name many more, I think Wes cares but more about football than neccasarly Oldham We lack winners as well as home grown players as they would also care
  7. I am feeling more positive that he hasnt mentioned it I see it the same as Prozac & Mids Maybe im reading between the lines wrong though
  8. Think people are missing the point Dowie has experience at this level being a number 2 to Wandsworth and Clarke has experience in the premiership What experience at this level does lee have? None as far as I'm aware If Dowie rumours are true and we want give him 16 games and he wants 18months then it's madness by the club I still don't think for a second corney would risk appointing lee would he?
  9. Just looked and pretty sure if they go we are out bottom 4 That said never want a club to go (other than franchise fc dons)
  10. He has worked with Liverpool and England yes' as a number 2 as that's what he is best at, not a number 1
  11. If it is Sammy Lee don't take the price on him to be manager but take odds on us to go down I hope this ain't true Did Corney say it will be someone the fans want as this ain't the bloke Dickov in!
  12. Whilst I agree with you BP1960 my worry is this aint the time to be messing about If we stay up and had an interim and appoint someone like this start next season I wouldnt be too worried as if it didnt go well we could replace him and get ourselves out of a hole so to speak But with only 16 games to go and already in trouble it needs to be someone who can make an immediate impact. Every new manager is a risk as we have no idea how it will go but this would be a huge risk especially when someone who knows the club and has worked with Corney wants the job and has made a sucess here previously If Dowie wants it give it him if we can afford him. Dowie knows the club so surely he wouldnt have applied with unrealistic salary expectations so that cant be the issue
  13. Im reading about him and scaring hell out of me Something or someone has made him drop into the running with the bookies
  14. 3rd Favourite now... who is he and what do we know about him??
  15. I see the positive that even if we go down then he is committed enough that he would want to stick around If he wants the job and we have the money get it done asap
  16. My 1st choice and seems a very popular decision if indeed true What is good is Corney said on radio last night that we didnt have to contact anyone they all applied to us so Dowie must actually want to come back not like we had to beg him
  17. I would rather have Dickov back rather than McLeish here without a doubt
  18. Blessing in disguise I would say and gives us a chance to sort the situation before Saturday and they had won 5 in a row, they wont be in that sort of form when the game is re-arranged
  19. Just noticed that I voted Dowie and it says he is wining 30 pts to 9pts but says 40votes cast.... you do the maths
  20. The list is endless but its gone lets draw a line under it we cant change what has happened If this does happen again under the new boss again huge issue but he didnt get the players to play for him Improvements were Bouzy, Lee, M'Voto, Morais, Furman, Smith & Baxter of top of my head
  21. He will be on the bench and probably come on with 20 to go depending on the situation I thought he had a very good game Saturday up against Keita of Barcelona
  22. I have to admit Wes backed out of few challenges sat and baxter for that matter one in particular was a header he didnt even go up for 2nd half We are mentally weak thats the issue but needless sendings off aint the answer Byrne as much as I like him aint good enough he is so slow its pathetic at times, play Tarks (admitedly) not biggest fan but give the lad his break he needs to learn and real games will make him learn but tell him just deal with things no pissing around at the back like Stevenage when he headed the ball home short. Everything goes row Z. Make ourselves hard to beat, show some passion and dont go down without a fight, if we can play with the tempo of 1st 30mins saturday we will be fine but players have to take responsibility not hide like seemed to happen to many times this season when things aint going well We have 16 games left and 9 are at home. We have to win at least 5 of those 9 thats where the key is so we have to be yeovil or mk dons. By this time next week we will know our future in terms of 2 home games gone and the new gaffer will be in Get you arse down BP tomorrow night not for cup vouchers but because the club and this town needs league 1 football
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