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Everything posted by laticdickovarmy

  1. We are building this up to a usual letdown
  2. Thats Corney's £10k tipping it Come on simon 5/1 10k on you know the appointment and we are laughing
  3. :censored: dont have a stan james account Next season's season tickets could be on Dowie at this rate
  4. Would Dowie back also increase the gate if only a little I wonder? I reckon it would for a while which in turns helps justify his wage
  5. If Westley manages us I am never setting foot near BP again, 1st class tool The only bloke managing in our league I would want less is Karl Robinson. May I add in light of Oldham slumping I am getting immense pleasure out of MK and their prick of a manager yet again failing How bad was Lowe's challenge Saturday as well! Delighted Lowe wont be playing against us
  6. What was quite annoying Saturday is the amount of 'Everton will be laughing at us chants' Do you seriously think if we dicked Walsall 5-0 they would be worried then? Sod Everton the league is our bread and butter and priorty is staying in it. Yes the financial gain of the cup has been fantastic but it will mean nothing if we go down at the end of the day If people think it was a big decision for Corney to decide wether or not to axe PD (which in the end he offically didnt do) then it is twice as important that he now makes the correct decision in new manager or we are back to square one all over again
  7. I don't want brown either truth be told I want a job doing don't think Dowie would come back so megson for me I think no matter how ugly it is to watch we need effective and at this level he would be that
  8. Curbs haha no way mate he reportedly turned down top championship sides simply wont happen sadly
  9. As a person I don't have a single bad word to say against PD, as a manager at times he has driven me mad Good luck in what ever he does to him and thanks for the amazing cup memories
  10. Under megson we would be ugly but effective Dowie is Dowie and my personal choice Brown I expect will get it and at least we would be organised and hard to beat Others maybe mcinnes assisted by his WBA mate Gregan?
  11. Agree has be just until end season and take it from there, we will have 40 odd applications and in that probably some you wouldn't expect to apply In a relegation scrap its criminal not to be hard to beat and at the moment we are far from had to beat with the current set up as it is, it's naive away from home at 1-1 and getting overrun in midfield and with tiring players not to make a change and that's what pd did/didn't do yesterday
  12. Above the dreaded line by a pt mate but scunny have Pompey Tuesday
  13. I want a manger who is stern and gets us organised for a start
  14. I thought JYM was our best player today and I like Byrne but he is ridiculously slow, I would brought tarky in a long time ago but he won't and he hasn't played a competive games for months so will be rusty now Could tarky play right back Tuesday?? Not ideal but he has leadership qualities at least
  15. Whilst we ain't the worst team in the whole league at the moment we are in the worst 4! No team is too good to go down especially one that has a manager who lacks in tactical awareness
  16. Iwelumo was awful I thought and JYM very good at the back, Wes looked spent last 15mins, Barnard is a very good player We got overrun middle of the park an idiot could see their 2nd coming a mile away They were a decent side who have improved 10fold. We dominated 1st half hour and their manager made a change to formation and could see the problems someone else pd doesn't seem capable off At 1-1 we should hooked off iwelumo and gone 5 accross midfield a formation usually loved by the manager but as he is so tactically naive he didn't and doesn't know what formation to use when. It was a typical latics preformance under Dickov enough is enough sack him now it's pathetic
  17. The annoying thing is in Brown I think we have a half decent little player who is young and will improve, his contract is up in the summer I believe and if he aint given a fair chance and is offered a deal elsewhere he could go which be a real shame Really hope he gets the start he deserves tomorrow rather than playing someone out of postion there
  18. Who do you think will go down? Id go Hartlepool Pompey Bury Scunny
  19. Agree with Razza, worst stilll for Colchester they lost Wordsworth, if they are pinning there hopes on Ibhere then they can throw the towell in now
  20. Same as said all season we would be in a dogfight and we are but their are 4 worse teams so we will stay up id say about 18th
  21. I think for me Sunday really opened my eyes. Its well documented that I am an Arsenal fan and I have a soft spot for Latics but on Sunday even as I turned up to the game I actually felt like an Oldham fan. Its hard when you go watching another team not to become overjoyed every time they win etc but as I walked out of BP Sunday very slowly I may add to milk every last min something felt different. I have been to approx 10 games this season including all the cup games bar Forest, yes I clap when Oldham score and it brings a smile to my face as makes my father-in-law happy but Sunday I was up jumping around like a man possesed. Living so far away is a pain in the ass, i would like to go to more games but finacially cant. I seem to be going on without direction here but what I am trying to say is I felt proud Sunday to be associated with Oldham and not because they beat Liverpool but because I looked around and thought this is a proper football club and this is what football should be like I got home 1145pm Sunday after the game and talked about it all the way home and then booked asap 2 tickets for Walsall for me and dad who has only been 2 latics games before (chelsea fan who goes all the time). He wants the bug as well now and wanted Oldham in the draw. Well done Latics and all the decent fans and staff who put tireless proper effort to make this a proper club. Roll on not Everton but Walsall tomorrow where the game is equally as important
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