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Everything posted by laticdickovarmy

  1. I had 2 behind and a young 10year old lad and his mum they were all cheering the goals but they were well behaved so not the biggest problem
  2. Not wanting to be rude but I cant see the club e-mailing you back saying 'yep, you are right I am now going to sack PD & approach Grayson'...... Then again you never know at this place Cant see him coming here but could see him at Blackpool
  3. I disagree, we have a soft centre Concede silly goals (I know all teams do but not as much as us) We have a lack of creativity bar a couple of players We have no plan B, christ at times we dont have a plan A We have players who duck out of tackles which is unforgiveable I think we look at times short of fitness as individuals and a team We dont keep clean sheets We dont score enough goals We dont press as a team we do it as individuals We have some players who are league two standard We let teams get crosses in far to easy and then dont track runners Im not saying its easy at all but a lot of the above is basics and we dont do the majority of them 80% of the time Before we start scoring goals I would like us to tightern up at the back and build from there. Our manager is a striker and at that one who was an average at best player who made more of himself by workrate which he cant instill into his players. Who works with the players at the back? Come to think of it who works with the strikers? I hope the next manager is a nasty sod who gets in amogst these players and brings 1 or 2 down a peg or two
  4. Just notice it's 50 for 2 tickets not one, ignore my other comment
  5. Id suggest e-mailing the seller as they aint going to shift them at that price
  6. May I just add that laticsforlife the person has nothing to do with the initative scheme! Someone completely different Whilst I want him out that is a tad over the top mate not what you are saying but the language
  7. Whilst also knowing very little there actually isnt a huge profit bar tv money in the Liverpool game I wouldnt have thought when overheads, player bonuses etc are paid. If had been at Anfield without stating the obvious we would have made a lot more if it was again on tv I am actually that mad that I think we have a much greater chance of getting a result Sunday than tonight as expect all players should at least be up for it. Our bread and butter is the league I want a win tonight and to enjoy Sunday as it is a bonus nothing more nothing less
  8. If we went down who out of the current playing squad would you expect here next season?
  9. Ha someone else pointed this out in the dire run last season Can it even be changed lol? I will keep it either way and on that basis Dickov in
  10. Matt Holland Rio Ferdinand Dion Dublin Alan Sunderland In California there is a place called Fort Irwin for Dennis does that count?
  11. Correction stick the £138,000 on a Notts County win tonight get much better odds on it and if the game goes ahead thats what will happen!
  12. Sad thing is there are 20+ genuine and sensible ways to make extra revenue here and we wont do any of them
  13. Too right if we could get Afinkenwa be delighted he has 11 in 16 this season Cant belive he is only 30!
  14. Derbyshire given that he knows the place is about 6 years younger and was quality for us only a few weeks back
  15. Always rated him but not sure the gaffer does hence why didnt kick a ball for months He is raw and makes mistakes but is a real hard worker and we lack in that hugely Loves a shot as well
  16. Cisak Lee M'voto Hazell Evina Taylor Stephens Furman Morais Baxter Derbyshire So only 4 of those are left in the left in the current squad but make up the spine of the team. For me Cisak is a better all round keeper than Bouzy
  17. Excellent 1st post and nice to another perspective. You make your own luck in football, I dont think anyone is expecting the world. I said back in September after the Brentford loss if we stay up it will be a miracle and got a bit of a slatting for it but I look at the current squad and I dont see the fight for a battle IMO not only do we need experience off the pitch we need it on the pitch as well! He has still got time to get it right and I really want him to as I like him as a person but I dont think he will have enough about him to keep us up with his current squad and tatics which I see little change in week in week out
  18. He played Mellor today who had only 20mins of football all season! That's because he doesn't use his subs! I like Mellor Christ after mk we turned down a bid from Fulham for him yet never gets a chance at latics M'changama is a rare bright spot of late and always liked him yet soon as few are back he will be on the bench If he signs a new striker he will also replace smith not play with him and push Taylor further down the lad needs game time to improve We were told we would run through walls this season haven't done it He asked for 10 games he has had 26 or so and still :censored: I'm losing patience with corney as well now as he must see this and has to act, crowds are down the football is crap, we go to games expecting to lose, the stadium is :censored:e and we have a manager who has lost the fans and most importantly the changing room and has players who don't believe his tactics quite rightly so
  19. Im not for it but surely fans hold the key here, if a game was boycotted (extreme case), march was done by the fans pre kick off, banner at liverpool game etc surely SC would have to act. I must say I dont think boycotting is the way to go mind you! We are on the bare bones in terms of fan numbers anyway he cant afford to lose anymore
  20. Serious question... if we went down would you see us coming straight back? The players under contract for next season I belive who play every week Baxter Option on Bouzy Montano Of course some others will sign and new players will come in but unless we do something soon we will be league2 next season
  21. Thats supringsly what I did but also says that where I am its expecting snow and that its not come yet but outside its beating down with the stuff Thanks Longtimeblue, like you say seems beatable just a case of roads around the ground which could make it touch and go
  22. Anyone know the weather in Coventry? Its belting it down with snow where I am
  23. If had go for another be Derbyshire another who was a cut above what we have Horrible to think how season could be at the moment if wasn't for Jose
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