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Everything posted by laticdickovarmy

  1. The end of season awards night this year will be a cleaner sweep than Keiron Lee had last year with Baxter Maybe we should have an alternative awards night Biggest moaner Worst player Let down of the season :censored:test haircut at the club (ADD OTHERS CATEGORIES HERE)
  2. Its a miracle indeed that with the current crop of players at the club in a weaker league that we arent doing better than what we are!
  3. Is it also not a problem that the website has printed a photo of him it only takes someone to recognise the fan for trouble to start
  4. What happens if they sit next to you they score and our fan smacks the bloke in the face??? Great imagine seen by millions on itv crowd trouble (i wouldnt do this bet id bet you 1 Latics fan might) Its an outrage this, I have remained silent throughout but this is damn right stupid.
  5. I'd expect him to be a forest player by the morning if I'm honest I believe the other club in for him are Birmingham
  6. Hi Marshy, Having only been highfield rd previously where would you park mate? Me and dad dont mind a walk and £10 is steep I could quite easy spend £20 in shops mind you but is it 100% you wont get done just for having a reciept in the window and how long does the reciept entitle you to park there for? Any news if buy before the day if is discounted on tickets? Sorry lot of questions
  7. How long is the Wabara deal likely to be for? End of the season? I actually think its a bit of a coup as he could play at Championship level and with the team being short at the moment and possibly Baxter to leave we may see in coming weeks Bouzy Wabara Byrne M'Voto Brown Croft M'Changama Wes Grounds Simpson Smith God we are down to the bare bones looking at that with little in reserve and thats on the basis Wabara signs We need 2 more on top of Wabara I would say in a midfielder if Baxter goes and another striker but we all knew that as only really Smith if Simpson plays off him and Robbie has spent chunks on the treatment table so definetly needed more numbers Out of intrest what has happened with Sutherland as of late?
  8. Are take one for the team if he does it as he is getting back on the coach after if something like that costs us and smack him I far from condone violence and I know it was Gyan fault he missed the pen but that is just damn right cheating in that instance football should introduce a rule that he goes and the goal is given
  9. Can we at least all dress in blue? I want to see a sea of blue our side and red there end like a proper football match
  10. If we win 1-0 it can be a :censored: as you like to me it will be classed as a thing of beauty, i hope the goal comes from the biggest scramble of all time and hopefully in to his own net via the hand of that cheating prick who plays upfront for them One thing if it is 1-0 to them and he does this last kick of the game v us I will not be responsible for my actions Apprently still gets death threats from Ghana now!
  11. Will anyone going Saturday and getting a voucher but not be at the Liverpool game? If so I would love get buy off you if needs be even, I cant get to Saturday's game or to Oldham on the general sale dates but could possibly get there during the voucher sales date For the record I am going Coventry away next Saturday when will be probably 1 of 300 odd so do actually go to games This is when living miles away backfires as well as paying an arm and a leg to commute to home games
  12. For me Baxter, if he signs until the end of the season naturally we will also get increased compo for him
  13. Just a thought but I really hope with the draw we just got our club could invite applications of kids to walk on to the pitch with our players when we play Liverpool and have the chance to line up in the tunnell next to a Steven Gerrard. Allowing something like that will stick with them for life and a once in a lifetime chance that might make them keep wanting to come to BP or better still draw 11 kids who already have ST with us and offer them the chance to accompany our players onto the pitch There has been a lot of talk on here of gestures to Liverpool and its a nice touch but I would love the club to look after there own 1st Not sure on your opinions but we have waited years to get people back in at BP lets use it
  14. How much would you pay? I would pay up to £30 without a moan if secures the future of the club, a game like this might not come along for another 5years
  15. With all this talk of donations of 96p to Liverpool fans which I fully support may I add, if you dont wish to donate to that dont forget you could send the 96p to Laticsforlife or Playershare and help our own paypal - laticsforlife@live.co.uk
  16. I noticed that as well What do you reckon the attendance for Brentford will be now? 5,000?
  17. Im going to guess we run out of food by 245pm if its a 3pm kick off Also would it be worth the club putting a tent up somewhere and selling cans outside the ground as well as other refreshments? money to be made there if obtain a licence just for 24 hour day one
  18. I can answer that. I donate the money to the club for latics for life and then me and the club indentify a worthy genuine source (who also wants them) its incredible diffucult as the club have to put on carers as well to look after the kids and we have to be careful that the kids are likely to use them, which is a fine balance I can assure anyone they dont get abused, there is still money left in the pot in regards to this which will roll over to next year The funny thing is i donated the tickets but dont have a ticket myself and am now scrammbling to get myself a ticket for the liverpool game lol
  19. Wont be goingn Brentford home but will Coventry away on 1hr from me and always wanted to go Rioch
  20. I dont think anyone could rival how bigger tosser Lawro is, he moans all game like its a chore to commentate on say a WC final and get paid for it
  21. Yeah his debut he was good He played at home v I think was Yeovil and had a mare sure he played alongside M'Changama and he almost broke the bar that day from 30yards
  22. No chance bringing him in. The lad was a CB he played in CM a couple of times and was shocking! At CB very impressive, we dont need a cb though as have tarky as cover plus if Brown got injured Byrne would play RB although that really didnt work at the start of the season and he too imo is a CB
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