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Everything posted by laticdickovarmy

  1. Just thinking Man Utd are at home the same weekend probably if they win the replay, either our game or man utd might get moved as shouldnt think the police are keen on liverpool fans and man utd fans from down south both arriving at piccidally station the same day same time!
  2. The area where the goals are sorted in the paddock could surely be opened up for standing and move the goals to the redunded side of the ground instead?
  3. I hate ever anticipating this kind of thing as 9/10 you get let down but I would be royaly pissed off if we didnt get the tv money here. Can i be selfish in saying 1st game on tv that is a draw which then leads into a replay again on tv which we win... we would pull money in left, right and centre
  4. Metty & singe Thank you really does mean a lot that! That's why I like be associated with this club people can say what they like but my dealing with both latics fans and officials has been nothing short of overwhelming and fantastic, really love oafc
  5. It was suggested last season by someone to open a few turnstiles and have people come through them and pay on an early morning, tell people before hand to have the right change and bingo an easy and quick way to sell tickets and can have say 8 turnstiles open so less queues for all
  6. As a fan living 140miles from BP I am very worried, last year i took a day off work to do a 280mile round trip and stand in a queue for 3hours to get a ticket, this year wont have the option of time off. Fingers crossed the work on laticsforlife will mean the club can keep one back for me! Please for christ sake please let there be a ticket for me i went kidderminster and donny in cup and have the stubs but not forest yesterday plus wont be able to get there midweek
  7. Anyway I'm off to Swansea now to do an oafc scouting mission
  8. The other benefit of arsenal is we give up to 7,500 tickets in the cup in the past which means everyone would get a ticket in the clock end. Having had really good think though I want Chelsea as dad would be in the home end and me in the away or Macc at home
  9. Haha cheers mate If is arsenal away it will be cat c so £25 a ticket for us but the great news is home fans in upper tier will pay 38-80 a ticket and it always sells 95% regardless of who it's against so probably would make the club more than any other game by a way plus it's part of a st holders book so 33,000 tickets sold by home fans straight away Would cry if it came out with joy plus if Henry does indeed come back he would start up against Byrne lol love see that... Sadly we might go out at Swansea tomorrow
  10. See you there Diego, lol don't think you will have the same problem as Kidderminster in 1st round where you couldn't find anyone to have a picture with the Ernie flag!
  11. Be delighted with any donations to laticsforlife really really appreciate that I'm hoping to knock up flyers for the club to give out on the scheme when people but there ST but I might have to fund that our own pocket or get freebie of someone Thanks again to you and everyone who has donated
  12. Apparently due to be made Plymouth manager.. Thoughts?
  13. If this is the case then I would urge to club to take note that they can end all of this talk by firing the manager. He is a nice bloke but im sure there are 100 other blokes out there who are nice and could do the same standard of job as Dickov working in non-league capacity, that should not be enough to keep him in charge. They sack him they potentially remove a lot of this negativity for a while and build an excitement of going into a new era aswell as a buzz over who the new bloke will be. I look at it as someone who is in the undecided stage of wether they would renew their season ticket next season and given the dribble served up by PD team's of which he has now had over 50plus players brought into the club at that time and I have to say I wouldnt renew. When the diehard are questioning their reasons for going and lets be honest that is all what is left in 80% of our fans case (diehard) in terms of home support then you are in the poo. I think Oldham fans are majorily realistic in that we know anything in the top half is fantastic and avoiding relegation is the main aim but realism also say to me keep him and fans a) wont come back will get fed up and not go anymore c) turn on Corney in the end if little is done d) have to watch league 2 football is less years than he has been here already Its not nice sacking anyone (other than Penny) but he should be sacked and I dont want the bull:censored: he gets the players in as he has only signed maybe 5-7 good players in 2.5 years here and how many of them can we honestly say he got the best out of them?
  14. Genuine questions can anyone see a win in next 3 league games? Brentford home Coventry Away Notts County Away I personally cant. That leaves us with no win in 8 and means would have to beat Yeovil at home who are currently 9th and flying at the moment, in no way is that a banker home win but then nothing is with Latics. Throw into that we are unlikely to beat Forest and thats no win in 9 in all competitions. Its not that we are not winning games its the piss poor effort and preformances of late, if he hasnt lost the changing room he must be just a whisker away from it Appoint a new boss try and install a feel good factor at the club however and make the players have to prove themselves to a new management team and that might just see us pick up 4points from them 3 games Cant see how anyone can claim PD should stay he has to go but until then I will support him. Other than that pay for your season ticket next season by simply lumping on Oldham to go down, anyone know the current price?
  15. Im glad that the right thing has been done, ok you may only get 100 more on the gate by opening up on the day but its all money at the end of the day
  16. Haha just seen that the franchise scum have signed what is described as there record ever goalscorer with only 54 goals... dickheads with no history
  17. He is tough to play against. I like Smith he would be a dream for a poacher to play alongside ie a Derbyshire. Yes we know he has his faults like his lack of touch, vision, not mobile etc but you throw the ball up against any CB for him and im confident that 75% of the time he will win it. We play far to deep and need to get bodies in and around and that means people running from deep in midfield as that makes them harder to track.
  18. The 1st 20mins are key to this the longer it goes at 0-0 the more chance of pinching it but we are incredible light in midfield and up top to a degree. All i expect is 100% from every player, do nothing silly, keep it tight at the back and all stick together as a team. The longer its a draw the louder as fans id expect we will get. Our goal was to reach the 3rd round and we have now acheived that this is a bonus so I hope the players, fans and everyone associated with the club go out and enjoy it and give yourself the chance to be heros
  19. I once e-mailed the club to look at Chucks Aneke who is now at Crewe on loan from Arsenal. Got a response saying Paul Dickov knew of the player and that they were working on bringing the best players to the club or along those lines. Not long after we signed Bunn from Citeh... Should took my advice lol
  20. Just looked again on there site at the ticket hub, they have shifted a hell of a lot more than when I last looked. Bit sad that the block in the Clough stand next to us is pretty empty which could mean a poor atmosphere, i would say that have sold 65%-70% of what they put on sale but not sure how much that was It sure is hell aint going to be the gate money I hoped for when the draw was made. If was a draw what do you reckon the crowd would be on a cold Jan night at BP? Obviously price dependant but at full price we would struggle to break 5,250 even with a full stand of their fans
  21. Could the answer to someone playing alongside Smith be Montano? We already have seen that Grounds could play on the left and Brown at left back and that also would make us more solid than Montano backing out of challenges on that side of the pitch?
  22. More of a surprise is m'changama exclusion. Well not a surprise under this management but he should not have been left out
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