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Everything posted by laticdickovarmy

  1. That was a while 2 weeks back i heard it and before any deal for Clarke had been done so maybe they have opted for Clarke instead
  2. Thank you to all for your help in doing that, think it helped make his night last night...especially the police video!
  3. Great news to a degree but it depends who is brought in to help, it undermines pd and surely he is backed into the corney of quitting, it's a huge statement in sacking just them and not him of potential faith by sc. Interesting next 7 days or so
  4. One thing is pretty much nailed on surely lose tomorrow and he is gone...surely? Cotterill all the way for me don't think we woulg get him though
  5. Good evening, Does anyone have any highlights of latics games from 1960's? I belive they played a game that was shown on Match of the Day from 60's possibly v Bradford that was shown and wondered if anyone has seen a video of it for my father in law? He thinks that as latics had a bulldozer it was the only game that was on that day so only game on the big match that Saturday night Cheers Dean
  6. This could ruin what little chance their was of Derbyshire coming back. Billy sharp said on twitter that o'dirscoll dream job is wolves and he is being heavily linked with them
  7. I feel heartbroken! I dont care how well we play when we lose its not good enough simply put I would rather be an ugly stoke like side and win every game 1-0 than play pretty and lose..........he has to go
  8. Yep that's Byrne without a doubt I saw him play before and he looked a talent. Seems a very level headed lad as well from what know and heard from him.
  9. Yeah lol my crap spelling but that is who I mean. Still amazed he is at Posh always found him a very good player
  10. Simpson is a very good player if used correctly, sadly that correctly is the same place in the team occupied by our best player Baxter. So that leaves one of two options of either play him out wide or up top and i wouldnt even think about playing him middle of the park but then he aint a winger or a striker lol over to you PD
  11. Lol I think he looked at the table from this time 2 years ago when pd took over You going tomorrow Sam?
  12. Like above I belive its a annual rolling deal. A lot can happen between now and the end of the season and this all boils down to ambition for me. If we are happy to just keep our head above water fine stick with him but if you want to have a go at getting out this league then we would need to change imo. The problem with change is it could cost more and might not work so i understand the reluctance on SC part. This is the weakest league 1 in years and if you look at the teams who could come down from the Championship they aint that good either and would more than likely lose players i.e Boyd, Mccann & Zuakini at p'boro. Its one thing getting the players in which undoubtably PD can do but you then have to get the best out of them! I have been in the out camp for a while but he is winning me around by winning games and his likeable nature but that is the only way he will get the fans on board to win games and 4 out of last 6 is a good record at any standard
  13. Furman and Wes aint in the same league as the old Wellens, that said I have seen him play for a few years
  14. Dear Santa, Please on xmas day drop Richie Wellens off at latics on your way delivering presents, oh and a few ££ to secure the deal for Baxter until the end of the season. Yours faithfully, Dean
  15. Just look at the table and Saturday reflects a real chance to cut the bottom 4 adrift from us even before xmas something that 6weeks back looked impossible! Hartlepool entertain Pompey who in reality are actually on 11 pts as a 10point deduction. Shrewsbury travel to Bury in what is a huge game for both sides and they have to take pts off on another in some respect Scunthorpe entertain a Carlisle side in 19th position 19 Carlisle 22 -15 23 20 Shrewsbury 22 -5 22 21 Portsmouth 22 -6 21 22 Scunthorpe 22 -16 20 23 Bury 22 -13 19 24 Hartlepool 22 -25 9 If and yes its a big if Pools, Carlisle win & Shrews win which is a big ask for all 3 the bottom 4 are already cut adrift to a degree with some tough up and coming fixtures for all of them over xmas period. For that reason a winnable game at Yeovil is massive for us Saturday as with the money acheived in the cup run and what would be an 8pts cushion over 4th bottom side Pompey who should lose 10pts and a 9pts cushion and a considerable healthier goal difference over Scunny If we dont get Derbyshire back and lose Baxter we need the gap before they do go and on positive note that extra gap might help pursuade Corney to give PD some extra funds for the window should we lose them. Looking at the start of the season and having criticised Dickov at times I would say that we would have all taken this start of the season would we not?
  16. Not best pleased I have spent hours and hours raising money for disadvantaged kids under 16's in the borough with great help from fellow fans donating both their time to help me and money How the hell can I expect people to now donate to the Latics for Life scheme to get even more youngsters involved with the club when they are potentially being potrayed as troublemakers by the club itself through its own media sources! In addition to this I expect that will mean an end to the £10 pricing structure and lower crowds again as the reduction in fees has actually increased both the kids and adults uptake on season tickets i was told when i met with the club
  17. No problem mate, it wasnt for me anyway to be honest anyway
  18. If you were to do that for Crewe 3 days after id buy off you if interested?
  19. Anyone wish to make a donation as hoping to make a Xmas giveaway of tickets?
  20. Im not risking the travel for it, plus saves my pennies for all the other games over xmas. Was actually tempted to get on the Swindon supporters coach from there ground as its only 30mins for me to drive there
  21. Sod off! Really wanted to go Rioch and suprisingly I have atcually been to Hinckley before. Absoulte :censored:ter!
  22. Will the Swindon game even be on? Was due to travel up North Friday night but have been advisied to leave it by family up there as dont think be on and a wasted journey and costs for us
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