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Everything posted by laticdickovarmy

  1. Just set up an account of forest website as you can choose specific seats, tried to upload the image but it wont work From what is avaliable/taken would say that they have sold 1,000 or so from that tool at a glance. You cant sit in any of the blocks behind the goal for home fans (Trent End) it looks like though which cant be right surely???
  2. Really good graphic showing a fair reflection. Its a good point made that we have played a lot of the top sides away, the good thing as well is that the teams towards to top who would bring crap support start of the season might bring a few more and add to the coffers as they are doing well as people usually pay and travel further to watch decent sides. For me that shows a reality that we are within the bracket where we should be ie 18th-12th postion Our goal difference although early in the season is almost worth another point towards safety over those sides in and around the bottom 4 A few may have been shocked had start of season we were told the teams occupying the postion above us and chasing down were coventry and preston
  3. Id go Swindon (D) Yeovil (W) Donny (L) Crewe (W) Scunny (W) That would mean just 2 defeats in 10 in all competitions and 20 points from 9 league games which is good form. I would say a draw v Donny as well but we will lose at least 1 of those games id expect. A lot of it is momentum, if we can get on a run then we have a chance but it we finish 12th or higher its a good season imo
  4. Its about 1hr 30mins from me but even then I dont fancy this, cant belive there is no roof on the away standing area they must lose hundreds fans this time of the season because of that, save your money and go Forest where the club benefit from 40% of the gate money would be my advice its not even like Yeovil will bring more than 250 here
  5. Can we have a baxter day before he leaves where we all wear scouse 1970's wig in reference to the fact he has dragged this team along at times I hope that if he goes back to Trannies and then comes here next season he gets one hell of a reception either way.
  6. At £12 we should be looking for 2,500. Its a good move for atompshere as will be a lot more there but at that price we probably have lost a bit of money. I really think we can get them back to BP at worst, which in turn will make us more money
  7. I would think it is the sat as Arsenal sent me an e-mail to say their game away v Swansea has been moved to the Sunday
  8. Cheers mate, just looked Gloucester to Brum is £24 each alone return thats without the 2nd part of the journey but was worth a try
  9. Christ 2 adults return from Gloucester £90 for me. Its only a 2 hour drive looks like its the car for me. Trying get a few mates to go with me and stay over in Nottingham but we are going there for the Premier League darts just a few weeks after and doing the thurs, fri & sat night so cant see it happening
  10. No colchester for me, miles away and would mean that i cant afford swindon next week with that travel expense its a no brainer, i shall be at the emirates for game against wba instead So many away trips coming up I cant wait for 2013!
  11. Thanks for the update. May I take this chance to also thank Chris (C.hill) for his tirless efforts in arranging the Christmas Party, im sure that will be a good day. Apologies that didnt get to see you Saturday chris but looking a good bet that i will be at the party so I will contact you for tickets in due course. Any update with regards to tickets? I am still in talks to hopefully secure a donation but not 100% come off yet so wont name the supplier
  12. I saw that and said that at the time Bristol rovers fans were in our local paper moaning about if yesterday as well
  13. Just spoke with a forest fan who said 8,000 -12,000 really disappointed but thats reality, we will take about 1600-1800 I reckon but will all be price dependant, couldnt done far worse in terms of who/where the game is but now having seen it would prefered an aldershot at home and through to round 4 You cant have it all I suppouse, we are more than capabale of getting them at least back here for a replay
  14. Absolutely outstanding the last 60mins, we passed it so well and the movement was excellent Baxter was unbelievable they couldn't handle him, his ball in 1st half for montano miss was a worldie , He was in the hoke behind derbyshire hust pulling the strings picking whatever pass he fancied Everyone was excellent but for me furman was the pick although if had score players out of 10 not 1 would have got less than an 8 I would play the same team next week so no Byrne, it makes you wonder why we can't do it everyweek but we did it the most important weekend of the season so far, can't wait for the draw
  15. Thats dedication thats even further than I come, you go every week mate?
  16. Massive disaster I have done a 3 hour drive to watch this game
  17. Thanks for help mate, sod it im going to chance it as will regret it if I dont go and get ear ache of the missus if she dont see her family after promised her
  18. Slightly worried now, we are due to set off at 7pm tonight, what is the current weather like? I wont hold anyone to it if they say it will be on then gets cancelled
  19. It better be bloody on im doing a near 3 hour drive up tonight for Saturdays game and back Sunday!
  20. Anyone for giving Hume abuse at BP when he plays here I wonder? I wonder if that final 5mins will cause bad feeling for Saturday? Bouzy should know better than that and warning as it could have been 10mins into the game and left us in :censored: street. His punishment I would imagine could be bigger, if Cisak comes in and does well which he is more than capable of then he could find himself stuck on the bench for a while again after having worked so hard and preformed so well to be the rightful number 1 at the club
  21. 1st time I have seen the highlights, thanks for posting. What the :censored: is that prick Hume doing picking up Brown who could have been badly injured the :censored:. Bozzy red card is pathetic, he shouldnt run in and shove him granted but that is a :censored: decision by the ref to give red, he takes no time to think about it straight out with the red yet takes an age to send off Hume for a 2nd yellow. A yellow for both players imo which means only Hume walks.
  22. I can add to that Home sheff wed in cup 2-0 up lost 4-2 Walsall home 1-0 up at h/t & Drew Chesterfield away JPT - 1-0 Up at h/t lost 2-1 Coventry home 0-0 ht lost 1-0 Carlisle away 0-0 h/t lost 3-1 Bournemouth away 0-0 ht - Spanked 4-1! That is simply put :censored:. Something must be wrong not holding onto points after HT. My advice is every week bet Oldham HT Oppostion FT Usually 25/1 Oldham HT Draw FT Usually 14/1 Never knew was this bad until had look into it then, at least that way you can make money!
  23. Would you have Taylor back in your side? By this I mean the Taylor of last season not 4 years ago?
  24. Glad Im not the only one who thinks like that, im more mad that we fell asleep on the free-kick again, surely someone like Wes/Derbyshire/Baxter could stand on the ball as soon as it goes against us! If Baxter did that to them this morning we would be raving about his brain, we switched off and they punished us, from what I understand it was yet another soft and stupid free-kick that led to the initial free-kick anyway
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