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Everything posted by laticdickovarmy

  1. Cotterill and Hume will be massive loses for them Am I the only one who is just if not more mad that we fell asleep on the free-kick again, surely someone like Wes/Derbyshire/Baxter could stand on the ball as soon as it goes against us! If Baxter did that to them this morning we would be raving about his brain, we switched off and they punished us, from what I understand it was yet another soft and stupid free-kick that led to the initial free-kick anyway
  2. This is an easy way to raise money for the club for the sake of lifting a few fingers at absoultley no expense, come on guys takes 30seconds and for that you might get to watch better players here on a saturday afternoon!
  3. They also have Ishmael Miller on loan out to Boro, bloody hell how many strikers can a team have. No wonder Derbyshire is out on loan
  4. Im sure when Robins did an interview the other day he said that he is desperate to keep hold of him after Jan but said it was unlikely as Championship clubs were interested, I could be wrong I will try and find where I saw it
  5. They might recall Mcgoldrick from coventry 1st he has 11 goals in 17 games after all
  6. I couldnt agree more with the comments about tonights games, saying that the pressure is off sends all the wrong signals out to the players and shows a lack of ambition from PD. Yes, its a tough game and a point would be a great result but dont come out and say it! Its like saying to the players an average effort and a narrow 1-0 loss is ok! That theory goes out the window if we lose say 5 league games in a row now. Doncaster are in the same league as us for a reason, no higher no lower so why cant we go there at get something there hardly Barca are they.
  7. Out of intrest will anyone not be going as its £20? I will be there, we are travelling up Thursday night for the game!
  8. Very close to payday! Any donations towards xmas donation of tickets would be really apprecaited no matter how big or small Also dont forget to attend the Latics Family Xmas Party - All money made goes towards Laticsforlife & Playershare equally split Donations can be made via paypal to laticsforlife@live.co.uk Many thanks Dean
  9. If we had lost the last 2 league games then would been interesting to see the difference but as we have won them definitely the cup game
  10. You dont need to go through the registration page either may I add, simply completing the address details get you a sim and more importantly the money for playershare
  11. Wasnt in regards to your comments mate, got a load of stick on twitter last 2 saturdays as well
  12. I dont understand why Croft is being made a scapgoat to be honest?
  13. So the Chron think we might get one in, what postion do you think it will be?
  14. Is the loan transfer window up soon? Seems a lot of loans going on at the moment and if so are we likely do you think to see anyone leave or come in?
  15. It would probably work best with just smith and runners but I wouldnt for a second drop Derbyshire or play him deeper, in an ideal world Derbyshire, Smith and Baxter could all play in the same side and if Derbyshire is clever enough in his movement which I belive he is and was willing to sacrfice scoring goals for the team it would be even better if he makes runs all over the box when the ball comes in drags a CB marking him away allowing space for Baxter or the wide man from the other side to get in the box and to score goals In reality that requires them all to be on the same wavelength and good communication as well as Smith to nod the ball down into the right areas, bloody hard to do but not the most coaching in the world. A simple move that looks like its direct football but its actually clever coaching, Big Sam teams as much as I hate him do it very well and thats because someone like Nolan is a willing runner and gets double figures as a result often
  16. Smith has to start up top with Derbyshire, cant disagree with a single thing that was said by Icestationlatic He has earned his chance and started to win some fans around and on the basis of what seen of him this season I would give him a deal 1 year extention in the summer as think he is out of contract then and cant imagine he is on a big wage If we go direct saturday and win 2-0 with 2 smith headers then brilliant, its about winning games not trying to play football having a lapse in concentration at the back and losing 1-0. It does need mixing up and Derbyshire can provide that with his every willing runs in the channel and will offer an outlet to feet The key to play Smith may well be the willingness of a runner from deep, Arsenal goal last night was a prime example. They threw it into the big man Giroud and Wilshere timed his run and scored with ease, we can do this as well it aint a lot of coaching its just quality into the box and anticipation of getting on the end of it.
  17. The poll seems as popular as last season which is good I went Clarke last year but looking at it now he would get nowhere near how big a knob Robinson is
  18. Tisdale and the flat cap - He is ok Pulis - The most hypocritical knob ever, he said the other day that cheats should be repremanded and yet they scored a goal v West Ham Monday where they should on the training ground and planned to cheat, fair play they worked it well but its a joke the same bloke who cant see he manages a team of thugs Love to get them in the cup and do them over
  19. Love the reasons on here haha and who would thought not a single vote for Ronnie Moore lol I went Robinson, I could write a whole days worth of reasons why
  20. Yeah I think will be a 4 way battle as well Di Canio you either love him or hate him, I actually like him to be honest but can see why is hated I certainly wouldnt want him anywhere near my club though
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/20424635 No surprise to see him having a moan I asked a question a while back who was the manager you hated most in league 1, well there has been a lot of changes since then so lets ask again now And for the silly voters I havent included Dickov! Tough one between Westley & Robinson for me
  22. Quality, it only took me 2mins so seems well worth trailing, I will have a look to see if I can find any others that are similar, was it 50P per sim request?
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