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Everything posted by laticdickovarmy

  1. Can someone please explain the Pompey situation to me? In respect of are they 100% going to lose 10pts and if they are why havent they already which in reality would put them only on 8pts for the season? Thank you in advance
  2. I put it on twitter last night mate, seem to get most of the latics for life money off people on there rather than on here, although have had a fair bit of here
  3. It has for me delayed the inevitable but lets just celebrate the win, the thing is win Saturday and we are again half way up the table and I would imagine his job will again be safe until xmas
  4. Sim card arrived yesterday has the commission been paid? Please say yes this could be another peice of pee way of making money
  5. Just spoke to an Mk fan who went to the game (I know not proud to know one) he said they were very good against them tonight but was at shrews I saw them v Walsall on tv they won the game 1-0 somehow I thought they were awful though but Morgan looked a handful up top
  6. Both players booked for kicking the ball away Maybe by instruction say can play in cup v Donny????
  7. What a difference a goal can make to your mood! Im over the moon, come May time all we will remember is we won there
  8. Haha when you follow the link to beag_teeets the 1st one at the top is a video simply entitled 'how is Titus Bramble paid to play football'? A question anyone who has ever seen him play should ask Jon Worthington's video is also currently under contstruction!
  9. I hope that PD stands in that changing room tonight and tells the players that they are good players, we play good football, we score goals, we create chances, we have a good team spirit and great fans Now get out there keep it tight and dont concede early doors, get set-up with your shape, defend properly, be decisive on the ball, dont take risks in silly areas, hassle them into mistakes and you will win this game lads, we are a better team than them and we are capable Now get the :censored: out there and win this game and play with some passion **FT We just lost 1-0 in 89th min reality
  10. Tell a team that the target is to survive is an awful mentality, even if you think it dont say it in front of the fans. That gives the players an excuse straight away that we can afford to lose games as long as we just do enough to stay up If they beat us tonight we are only 8pts above a team who would have only won twice all season, totally unacceptable.# It isnt just about tonight, if we win tonight and lose saturday all the hard work of tonight will have gone out of the window Wardie is spot on no leadership, hence why we concede so bloody many from set-peices!
  11. True Lee I accept that but only thing I will say is for 18months he has had the chance to sort it and he hasnt in reality and they are all Dickov's own players I dont buy this crap that Dickov should be kept as he can bring the players in as its those same players who are involved in a relegation scrap and its only thing bringing them in but its another getting the best out of them. Its all guess work but im sure a different manager also could have brought in a few decent players If we do the basics right we will win tonight I dont doubt that in my mind, if we go 1-0 down early with the brittle confidence we have I worry but the same applies to Hartlepool Whoever is leading if indeed anyone is going into the last 15mins I would bet your bottom dollar they will be as deep as hell and it will be neverous We should win this and shrewsbury anything less than 4 points is pathetic
  12. I spoke to someone at the club who told me that he was apparently watching Ben Gibson the nephew of his chairman Steve Gibson at boro and doesn't think he would be anything other than impressed by him
  13. I still don't understand why Byrne is getting away without questioning. I assume he is the leadership at the back so why do we keep getting done at set peices! No doubt there was a good player in him you can see it but he is so slow strikers are beginning to pull on him and that's a worry
  14. Are tell you now cotterill is not a long ball manager! We would be organised and hard to beat with him in charge and he did a great job on a nothing budget at Pompey as well. He can be a nasty git aswell and that's what we need IMO and is scared to make the big decisions in dropping the bigger players. If we get him I would seriously be over the moon but think could be hell of a reality check to some of the players Yesterday I have big issues. At set peices we are done again where the :censored: is the leadership! Byrne was brought it for this reason I assume, there was a good player in there but he is over the hill and so slow its ridiculous and as for mvoto I but tarky was seething this is the same guy who did something rash and stupid just a few weeks and cost us and although in a different context hasn't learned diving in inside the box with a guy going nowhere and he embarrsment of a clearance for the 2nd I haven't once criticised an individual until now but I'm so fed up with a am amateur performances. FFS show some balls pd and start tarky and smith they deserve a go! We aren't as good at team as we think and without a left back Tuesday even against Hartlepool I worry A nice bloke like pd doesn't make a good manager A nasty peice of work like cotterill is Could he get on with corney however I'm not convinced but I want to see it tried
  15. Not today mate was touch and go but the train price was a joke so decided not to in the end You doing anymore before xmas? There is a lot of aways in Jan/Feb not to far away from us will be doing most of them
  16. He probably wouldnt sadly but he would be my 1st choice The only thing I would say is usually when someone is sacked you get the odd applicant who you never thought would be intrested in coming here, fingers crossed that happens
  17. Its horrible this as I couldnt ever bring myself to not want to win a game but if we beat hartlepool he will probably get another month and we will be :censored: in that month, if we lose however he is gone. The ideal is he resigns but he wont i dont think, that means we have to pay him off and his staff like GT. I sound like a broken record but please get Steve Cotterill
  18. For the love of god Corney get on the phone and get a replacement ready tomorrow to pull the trigger Monday STEVE COTERILL IS THE MAN!
  19. Our two best players last week were smith and tarky, if he leaves them out and we get a point nothing is said but we just got dicked he has to be questioned Our league 1 future is in Corney hands, do the right thing and pull the trigger
  20. I dislike tranmere but I despise mk franchise another loss for football tonight there
  21. Now I saw only sheffield united game v us but Baxter lost out to a keeper who plays for one best teams in the league hardly like Jose who dragged us through the month! Not in the slighest bit suprised
  22. Tarky was our best player I thought last week would be harsh to drop him and Mvoto lashed out and let everyone down at Crawley so deserves his punishment and to play his way back into the team, the only worry is always feel there is a mistake in Tarks and we could be up against it tomorrow We could go Bozzy Wabara Tarky Mvoto Byrne Grounds Croft M'chagama Baxter Montano Derbyshire Play 3 at the back and get grounds and wabara foward but its a system PD will never use as he is so rigid in his tatics plus he has never tried this before A point would be hell of a result
  23. PD seems to be digging a grave here as if he says we are not a bad team and have good players but dont win games we should then ultimatley the blame has to lie with him as can get the message accross to the players After Bournemouth which I expect nothing from we have winnable games and that one way or the other will seal his fate
  24. Simmo will play in midfield and baxter in the hole meaning Smith once again will miss out I expect
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