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Everything posted by leezyverpunk

  1. ooooh sorry for showing an interest in other teams - not only am I a Latics fan, I am a footy fan - that is one of the things I hate about scum fans - if it's not manure they arent interested!!!
  2. Running out of steam fast the Gers are - I have heard recently that they have in their squad players signed from other SPL teams that arent even getting a sniff despite all the games they have had to play - does anyone know who these players are? At this rate though St Johnstone must really fancy their chances tomoz - bit of a disaster of a season for the Gers after promising so much - cup double will be some consolation spose!
  3. Up the Tannadice Terriers - and come on the Gers!!!
  4. Agreed! In Shezza first season he ended up scurrying around for players to bring in just b4 the start of the season and we ended up woth Dabo! Second season he managed to do business with time to go but to sign these 2 young uns up so early could be genius and great moves. All the people that moaned about not bringing anyone in in January - I think he has always had these lads in mind - just had to wait for contracts to run out - nice one Shezza, gonna be a long pre-season!!!
  5. Tempted to go out now and but a Chelsea cap for £3 from Sports World just to p1ss off the scum heads in Piccadilly!!
  6. Yeah picked up same vibes, will sign again if we go up - but we godda be realistic - if he DOES have a good season but we dont go up, who realistically thinks he will be here the season after? Would be brill if he would sign another contract, really do like the fella's humble and grateful down to earth attitude!
  7. typical optimist/pessimist reaction on these boards - how backwards have we gone/can't wait for big derby match next season - I of course fall into the latter - jump on t'409 bus reet across the road and away transport sorted!!!
  8. Which county is the team 'This' from and why would Messi wanna leave Barca for them?
  9. The 'glitz and glamour' of the Premiership has expectedly killed off valuable fair funding to the lower leagure teams - it ires me the fact Derby got about 5 points all season and will get about £20 million for such a proud achievement!!! whereas top Championship teams will get about a tenth of that - it's all a load of blox - thank god we found someone to rescue US in our hour of desperation - think eventually the lower divisions will be part time whilst Premiership fat cags will be getting paid £1 million a week wages!
  10. Qualiteeee - had me virgin cut off and only got about 7 channels - M is one of them - will be watching - then Radio listening to Southend hammer the Yorkies so we can play em again next season!!
  11. Bit of Championship Manager (gonna be sacked soon, we are bottom of the League!!) - sit next to a Plymouth fan ???, opposite avid City lass and half hearted scum fan - lots of banter - mainly all good natured!
  12. That is a pathetic generalisation - really is - under the cicumstances I think ANY set of fans would have been annoyed by the shortcomings - while I dont condone any fighting you need to put things into perspective - every Gers fan I met and spoke to was friendly, jolly and only too keen to talk about footy and enjoy themselves!
  13. Not a Gers fan then Rocky? I personally am gutted at the result but fink they didnt really turn up last neet and soon as they went behind it was like where the hell are they gonna get a goal from - watched it in the Velodrome -was ok - feel sorry for the Gers fans in Piccadilly - surprised there wasnt a full scale riot - nice to meet Slurms last night as well - will bump into ya again mucker!
  14. I am in til 5 - wil be spiking me hair up and meeting the Gers boys and having a party!!
  15. Getting brill in Piccadilly Gardens at the moment - building up quite nicely, may have to join em tomorrow for a few cans - gonna be a great atmos!!
  16. AND he was on the same pitch as Darren sheridan - an accident waiting to happen!!
  17. Played footy with me kids, went home and listened to.....Rugby Union....how frikkin desperate is that!!! Listened to Dale later! Thank the lord Sunday was much better, played footy, watched Ernie's match, watched Premier:censored: at nite..gonna be a long long summer!
  18. I just hope all this promise of a great atmos in the RRE lives up to it's billing - if not, like in the Chaddy last season the drummer DID get things going when it were dead! Think when it is used properly (which I think it is done mostly) really adds something to the atmos!
  19. Fink somet has to be done in our town to raise OUR profile and get the kids minds of scum/sh1tty!!
  20. Great entertainment and to see all the old boys and a few tv peeps as well - my fave moment was the street cars cabby doing stammy completely and then being de-briefed by wellens - I too had a tear in my eye at ernie's speech - he seemed completely overawed by the turn out and applause - really put perspective on things and made all the goings on of the premiership ponces later on seem somewhat trivial - a good turn out, good laff and tremendous show of support to the fastest milkman in the west - ernie a fighter all the way & true latics legend!
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