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Everything posted by leezyverpunk

  1. dont let these muppets spoil it for you - just laff at em and tell em to get a proper job - we have a way of dealing with any arsey stewards near us in the chaddy end - call em paedophiles - they soon scarper!
  2. Yes - win or lose, have a booze!
  4. Hate the moaning gits knockin abart - life is far far too short - in the name of the famous Derek Griffiths - 'get on with it!'
  5. Not read any of the posts on this - can't be arsed - but I am tempted to give quite a few 'fans' in the Chaddy End a great big massive v-sign - for moaning at every misplaced pass and not applauding a succesful 45 yard crossfield pass - getting reet peed off with the negative vibes a lot of our fans are giving off and every single opportunity!
  6. You are NOT alone - I agree - happyclapping Leezy - that's me - In Shezza We Trust!
  7. Disagree 1000% - Ear-der-leee, Ear-der-leee he's the leader of the Latics and his name is Ear-der-lee, EARDERLEEEE!!!
  8. But we've got to drop this "inexperienced" tag Okay then - Shezza has been here for ages and has gone stale - we need some fresh blood now - 13 years in the job and he is still making mistakes ?????
  9. We godda consider what Bradford have done this season - it really is a success story that everyone is looking at!
  10. I am sure we wouldnt have let him take part if we had a choice - especially with all our current injuries. Eardo I think has done well in only his second full season - he is only 19, still learning, can tackle, can cross and can score - yes mebbe it looks like he has the wrong boots on when he passes but mainly has been a vital part of our team this seas!
  11. Nice one Wayne, have a good weekend and let's see the mighty owl back to his mischievous best!!
  12. Teams like Chelsea and scum moan when they have a couple of their top players out - what frikkin chance have WE got??? Crosso, Greegs, Lidds, Hughes, Davies and now Lewis - you are talking bout our bessie goallie, defender, midfielder and strikers. I know Luton are poor but take the backbone out of any side and you are gonna struggle. Apart from Hughesy (out of the game for so long!) dont understand why so many injuries. I keep saying IF we get our best xi out but ufortunately dont think that is ever gonna happen!!
  13. If you decide to quit, I am sure it will be a hard decision for you and for serious reasons but just wanna say thanks mate, you are a true latics legend - my lad and my friends lads love seeing your antics - it is more than a bloke in a costume, it is proper entertainment for the kids (we love it too but may be too afraid to admit it!). Really hope you change your mind but fully respect you if you dont - thanks for all your shennanigans - brilliant memories!
  14. Roger Palmer - could still ghost into the area and bag a few forruz!
  15. I appreciate opinions - but people slagging young lads - good or cack - that are trying their hardest for the good of the club - it beggars belief - if only they put half as much effort in actually supprting the team the we may get somewhere!
  16. Yet again we have to raise the question - WTF does booing the players (individually especially) achieve? Especially the young ones, the ones who arent getting paid wads so are playing for the love of the game and to earn to right to get another year at the club - frikkin annoys me - so many cox at BP these days!
  17. We were all scratching our heads in the Chaddy at the aaaarghs - didnt have a clue what was going on - funny as - nice to have a giraffe on a horrible Oldham night!
  18. Deserved to win game Horrible night great result Good solid battling performance Bournemouth never in game
  19. Some good performance last neet despite terrible conditions but Macca gets it for me coz again he seemed to be about 3 different players last night popping up all over the show putting numerous tackles in and some good passing as well. Eardo soooo close to a hat-trick - what a free-kick, Stammy won everything but Macca just shades it!
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