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Everything posted by leezyverpunk

  1. Yeah that's right make me feel worse - waaaah!!!
  2. More great goals from a great guy! Dieeeego whoa ho ho ho!
  3. Haven't voted - just wanna enjoy the rest of the season - if it takes us there great, if not oh well. Games are running out so I just wanna savour every minute coz when it's all over - what then
  4. Still erect even in the showers - no wonder noone else came in heh heh. The secret for my 'speshul' hair - soap and water - because I am worth it - buggered if it would have rained though - ouch soap in me eyes. Glad Jacko has been reprieved of any future discipline, we need him against the sheeps!
  5. 'AAAAARGH watch the static!'
  6. RM - Hurr hurr hurr we beat you again Shezza! JS - Kinnell someone get this p1ss head out!
  7. No worries Jacko, you did what everyone else wanted to do soooo bad - he does that every week and is bloody good at it - I am sure he is a decent enuff fellow off the pitch but what a gobsh1te he was on the pitch - still ires me even now!
  8. Brilliant post - well said. I have no illusions now about going up, just wanna enjoy the rest of the season and appreciate every game coz when the season is over, I will be truly lost - savour every moment - life is too short!
  9. Phew that is a relief, we can push on for the play offs now - Thommo and JP are nearly fit again - COME ON OLDHAM, COME ON OLDHAM!!! >>Link<<
  10. IF and I mean a big IF we get a fully fit squad for next seas, we will be frightrening methinks - the return of seasoned pros alongside some talented and now tried youngster, we could have the perfect blend (sound like a coffee advert dont I?)
  11. well bugger me, how come shezza aint had a proper go at us this season - it has been dire at BP but he never takes a swipe at us - even after a torrent of boos or the moaning starts as soon as a pass is mispaced - shezza is worth 1,000 RM's!
  12. Brilliant post - makes you think dunt it! By the way it is disgust not discussed
  13. Whatever club emerged from the Latics Ashes! Or Oldham Town. Or Rockerdale. Let's hope we are never put in this scenario - it has been close a couple of times!
  14. Who the heck ran over a black cat -what is with all these goddam injuries ffs!!!
  15. Never saw him his first spell so never had a preconception of him - cannot fault him - by far the most consitent player what I have seen any road!
  16. He was always first to have a go at the fans - tit - maybe we would've been more understanding if we could have seen the ball more times in a game - kept going missing in the clouds - silly boggey eyed tosser - leezy is gonna be giving it some to some tune!
  17. by adding to the game presume you mean killer pass, inch perfect cross - coz whilst macca was covering every blade of grass, he was covering for out of position players, marking people, tackling, playing simple passes which are qualities so undervalued in football these days - so for me yes, he did influence the game and WAS effective!
  18. Sure is dude - just saying he was brill and very energetic last night (as IMHO he is most weeks!)
  19. Croeso - 8 - brave, commanding performance, great save in second half Neaaal - 6 - again inconsistent, sooo close to bagging though Lomax - 6 - steady game, tried to attack later on Stammy - 7 - commanding again Hazell - 8 - faultless tonight Tayls - 6 - worked sox off again, always marked out though Macca - 8 - seemed to be 3 maccas on the pitch at times Allott - 7 - usual strong commanding performance again Jarrett - 6 - tried to boss midfield, gave ball away too much Jordo - 6 - caused few problems before injured, put some cracking crosses in Lewis - 7 - ran himself into the ground, their back four too strong, should've had one of their's sent off when through Leon - 5 - clearly unfit, caused no problems whatsoever Smalley - 5 - did nowt really but tried For me they were well organised, strong and had a clear game play which worked perfectly. The ref killed the game - bottled a clear sending off - we should get a refund off the clown.
  20. Cracking player, gives 110% every match, puts defences on back foot, NOT A LEFT WINGER!!! Got skill, gets into great positions but always crossing on his weaker left foot - NOT HIS NATURAL FOOT!! Why not play someone else who aint left footed on the left, make them look a fish out of water instead of Chrissy T. So gutted when he just missed last night. TAAAYLOR, TAAAYLOR!!!
  21. Maximum effort, no penetration Caught on the break Hartlepool very solid outfit Bit chilli on the Willy Leon Constantine cannae jump
  22. You watch different game than me. He covered every blade of glass last neet, popped up in left mid, right mid, centre mid, covered Eardo couple of times, even covered for Ruben once or twice, nearly scored - he played a blinder - seems to be scapegoat all the time on here!
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