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Everything posted by leezyverpunk

  1. Sweet Constantine - na nar nar na, he's gonna score to get us uuuup, We'll be feeling fine - na nar nar na, when he gets the winner against Leeds scum!
  2. I pay over 10 instalments - tis so easy to set up and makes it possible to get to BP all season - priceless!!
  3. Cant wait for tonite - I hope the atmos is better than against Swindon - let's hope we can win and get some more interest and bods into BP for our promotion push (or at least for our game on Satdi against the much hated Trannies!)
  4. Once we have a fully fit team imagine the bench - kids that have now played a few games can seriously come on and change a game - yes we havent been that good yet but we are there abouts and IF we can get consistent who knows WHAT we can achieve!!!
  5. Just seen the goals, three cracking goals - I really should stop watching Latics as every time i don't go they seem to win well! Well done to the new lad, great for him to get a goal early in his Latics career, well done to Neal for bagging as he seems to be vastly underrated on this board and well done to Woolfy, cracking strike. Shezza must now have a bit of a selection problem of who to play - all this without Davies and Hughesy - who would have thought it eh?
  6. I'd say:- Croeso - keep on doing the biz mate, doing well Eardo - you and chrissy give em hell on this side Lomax - get flying down that wing and Livs will cover yer Stam - concentrate and you will be fine Hazell - much of the same please laddy Livs - get stuck in, play it around and cover for the Lomax Maccs pacca - keep busy (again) and see if you score us another dazzler Allott - boss the middle again sunshine Tays - if eardo passes you sit in, otherwise take the piss on the right Smalley - keep holding it up, try and link with Lewis but get in the box a lot Lewis - keep it tricky and dont panic when ya have a shot - you are class JJ - you are sub
  7. My fave was Linighan, thought he was top and really dangerous at corners! Remember the Flynnighan partnership?
  8. I reckon if we get loads more fans, it will boost our attendance, see easy!
  9. The point - when we are not being treated to Brazilian-esque football and perferct pristine performances at BP - remember we are not alone - so stop frikkin whinging!!!
  10. Watching the Boro v Blades match last night - saw some shocking passing by Premiership players. Boro's young full backs were dodgy, Downing's crosses were mostly quite poor, their striker were inept, not enough quality. We are in the third tier of football and I have seen better at BP at times this season than than rubbish last night. Boro fans weren't booing though, in fact they remained behind them all the way (although there were quiet periods). Makes you wonder doesnt it? That is a 'Premier League' team against a lower league team playing nothing more than ordinary. Let's just get thing into perspective before we start moaning and booing our lads. It aint like watching Brazil at every other ground in the country (yes even in the Premier League)
  11. Think it is totally disgusting that a fifth of Oldham fans posting on here think Shezza should go - utterly ridiculous - yes everyone has an opinion but come on guys, it's his second season in charge and we were soo close last seas (barring the burnout at the end) - we have had some cracking results, some memorable matches - yes this season has been a bit of a damp squid at BP but give him just a little more time with a fully fit sqaud, I really think we will be serious challengers next season (if we dont scrape in this season of course) - In Shezza We Trust!
  12. Keep em all bar Thommo, JP & Jarrett. Give Stammy & Lids pay as you play contracts. Bring a couple of new faces in, get the squad fit for next season and cant see why we cant go up under the guidance of Shezza, Wrighty and the Dux. Excuses are excuses but Gregan (our man mountain captain), Lidds our best crosser, Hughesy our best striker have been out for ages - with these players available all season (or at least most) we would be in a play off place methinks.
  13. Fair assesment indeed - the team he put out should have been good enough to win - you cannot blame shezza for Jarrett not being able to pass a ball - mebbe for Livermore playing left back - he struggled but he did well as makeshift centre half, cannot blame him for Hazell deciding to head instead of hoof or for all our injuries - good second half entertainment wise though - we nearly just nicked it in the end!
  14. agreed - realistic crowd under thecircumstances!
  15. Thank the lord for common sense, the last few replies to that ludicrous post are logical and realistic - why on earth would we sack someone who has got us playing proper footy, got us in the play offs last season and there or there abouts this season - do these people think we should be top above Leeds (scum), forest, Donny with all the brass they are spending - no - realitiy check - under Moore we were poor. Agreed we all have different opinions about Talys on the right, Lomax starting every week but just because he doesnt do everything the fans want you want him sacked - get real!!!
  16. Cannot believe THAT header is gonna be banished forever - we will have to have another go tonite - let's hope Swindon are misfiring and give you plenty of opportunities eh Desp?
  17. Just imagine if he was in the squad for tonite - how excited would we all be - there would be all sorts of gimmicks knocking about BP - would be a buzz - come on Shezza give him another bash - DIEEEE-GO - WHOA WHOA WHOA HO!
  18. But Lomax IS a full back that loves to bomb forward and Livermore could cover these runs very adequately. Would be purrfick!
  19. Never had the pleasure to watch Ernie as on me sulk but gutted coz all me mates say he was a 110% percenter who depsite his lack of inches won loads of headers and give all he had every game - you WILL get through this mucker, you are a born fighter!
  20. there you go desper, get it plused so i can come round and watch it (not it the stephen king film!)
  21. Cant believe I missed it desper - gutted - hope you can get a copy of it - class!
  22. Godda get a striker in sharpish - we cannot rely on the kids smalley/alessandra to carry the forward line alone - it may be damaging to them if we heap the responsibility on their shoulders - having said that though does anyone really think shezza hasnt been looking for someone to come in on loan - i am pretty sure he will have been scouring everywhere to get someone but i am sure he doesnt just want ANOTHER kid to come in to sit on the bench - let's just hope he can get someone decent to give us a chance to keep in touch with the play offs. spose we could go with 4-5-1 with Taylor, Macca and maybe Alessandra other as attacking midfielders with Smalley alone to hold the ball up - or even give Tayls free role just behind a striker - I dunno - just keeping me fingers crossed we can bounce back from Satdi!!!
  23. No sound on me computer mafraid - nae mind sure it is quality and menkul - Diego whoa whoa whoa ho!
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