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Posts posted by adamoafc

  1. 14 minutes ago, Damian_Thorn said:

    Firstly apologies if this has been done to death, but I can't be bothered to trawl through the board.


    I know about the partnership with ALS, but are we trying to revamp the old pitch or is there a new pitch being laid? I asked this, because I was watching the latest 'This week at Latics' video interviews with Dan Gardner and Brian Wilson. At the end of the video they had the little 'outtakes' with Brian Wilson and the pitch looked dodgy close to where he was standing. Again apologies if this has been covered.

    It has only just been reseeded, So won't be fully covered in grass yet. The company who are working with the club now will provide materials and equipment to the club at no extra cost to get the best possible pitch for next season. It would cost over 500k to replace the current pitch/ structure. 

  2. Just now, stewrat said:

    Do you really expect a disabled season ticket holder to turn up with the same carer every match? If the person who gives his ID on the Friday breaks his arm on Friday night are you seriously suggesting the disabled person cannot go and just loses his money. What have you got against those less able than yourself. If you seriously know of one person abusing this then report them to the club rather than branding all disabled as cheats and making there life just that bit worse for your own ego.  

    Definitely not what is being said so stop picking out points to suit your ego more like! They are asking for a fair way to do it not to penalise. Always the few who abuse the system. Which should be looked at. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, boundaryblue80 said:


    I'm not saying you're wrong as I don't know myself, but just out of interest, how many games of his have you seen that you're basing that on? Just wondering so I can gauge how confident I should be in your opinion of him.

    Funnily enough I was a scout for Blackpool when he was there in the youth team. Fair to say the coaching staff couldn't believe he went to Palace when he wasn't ripping any trees up in non league on loan. 


    Seen him twice play for us once against united in reserves and once for first team in JPT and my opinion still hasn't changed! ?

  4. 40 minutes ago, al_bro said:

    Shez says that he is confident the majority of those offered deals will re-sign. maybe 3 of the 5. I'd guess Kettings and Tope maybe the ones delaying.

    Kettings is woeful and isn't even league 2 standard at present so no loss that one to me. Tope I thought has been superb but I'm sure if he doesn't sign shez will know who he wants. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, youngen said:


    Did you see him go through one on one and then turn around and try to pass to Erwin surrounded by 3 men? That alone was enough to make me realise he cant play football. Dont think he has ever kicked a ball off the ground either?

    Stop talking nonsense youngen. The lad has improved massively over the season and will continue to the more he works with shez. He will continue to be a starter under shez. He does what everyone else doesn't. The dirty work/ dogs body. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, HarryBosch said:


    Again? How many years have some of you been saying this now? 

    How many years can this loan keep going!   There is a wage cap you know! With lower crowds and more outgoings than us it's not feasible. Vaughan Beckford and Dawson will be on big wages along with Pope and others on decent contracts it's coming I'm telling you. 

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