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Posts posted by adamoafc

  1. 3 hours ago, Simpo said:

    2 page spread from the chairman in the programme today, mostly positive and looking forward to the future, while admitting getting through month to month has been difficult.


    Regardless, the rumour told to a Latics fan by someone at Fleetwood that we paid £100k for Holloway looks to be true.




    He also says "we spent another 500k in January to ensure survival, and although I believe it has been money well spent, it certainly caused you a lot of headaches."


    Speculate away!

    Told you I don't comment much on things like that but tends to be true when I find something out. The lad who told me is a Gk looking for a new club in the summer... 

  2. Fair play to them. Just waiting on the comments of must be corneys mates or likewise. Time for a few of you to hold your hands up on this one and apologise! 


    A Few of you ridiculed me and a couple of others for believing it before why don't you go have a chat with the couple of Saturday? 

  3. 10 hours ago, leeslover said:

    You aren't keen to put the whole story together Adam. I met Mr Corney in a meeting like yours many years ago, and it was exciting when he revealed secrets and so on. I felt like an insider.


    I no longer take statements without evidence.


    I recall you were delighted when the club released a statement saying that the funds remained in place. You must be able to see now that this can't have been true?


    You are pleased that refunds are being offered. Do you recognise now that the money was long gone until the Trust and angry people who felt they had been fleeced clawed it back?

    I don't feel I have an inside look at all. Every now and again I get info passed which tends to be good Info but nothing more. 


    One thing I find amazing is fans of Oldham more than other clubs is they want to know the inside and out of every incident/ transfer/ loan. No other club does it like we do. 


    The scoreboard scheme was good but given the choice I would be happy for my money to go into the perimeter boards as it's different and gives more professionalism. I appreciate the fans saying we paid for it but I'm not bothered who owns it aslong as the club benefits. Again fans will want to see something to say this but as corney has said before anything made on matchdays goes back to the club. 


    For me if the money still wasn't there we wouldn't be offering refunds. 


    Like I have said before the trust isn't doing its job. As a board the trust should have publicly challenged them on other issues before but didn't want to muddy the water and look where that has got them/us. Until the trust board 'publicly' challenge the club with statements nothing will change. Time for them or you if you are a trust board member to start your talking in the open rather than on here. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, underdog said:

    Quote from today's chron and Tifosy


    "The company also confirmed to the Chronicle it is their understanding that the £22,835 raised for a new scoreboard - short of what was needed for the cost of buying and installing a big screen - has been used to help purchase the club's new perimeter LED advertising boards.

    "We understand that the money has been used to acquire perimeter LED advertising boards, one of whose functions is actually to display the score and time in the manner of a scoreboard," Tifosy's statement reads.



    the Club have used the fans money for the deposit on these boards, without consulting the Fans first on what to do with your contribution, or trust


    Now, I will presume these boards had to be ordered and shipped in from wherever (china?) so the money was used as deposit several weeks if not, months beforehand.


    your kind donation was not only to help the club, but your trust and future fan funded schemes. There has been no confirmation that any will go ahead.


    There's is time to get your refund



    I think the boarding is miles better that a scoreboard. Looks so much more professional. Apart from highlights what does it not give us that a scoreboard would?? Can't think of anything myself. 


    Fair play to corney on this one for thinking outside the box. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, leeslover said:

    That's extremely unlikely. Holloway signed for Fleetwood on far more than we were offering him. Fleetwood will have paid a lot of his wages off to come to us, they will have let him go to the club who were willing to take on the larger share of his contract. If there was a fee it's only accounting shenanigans.

    Yeah because a fleetwood town player is going to cover up for Oldhams mismanagement / accounting shenanigans aren't they...... ?


    We have paid money before and will do again. Poleon another example 75k after a 'tip off' from a certain ex assistant manager who's name rhymes with might 'allegedly!' 

  6. 32 minutes ago, yarddog73 said:

    We spent six figures on Kelly, I heard that directly from Lee Johnson.

    We spent close to 100k for Holloway. That direct from a player I know who plays for fleetwood. That's what the holdup was with getting him in their chairman wasn't happy with no payment. Maybe why the ticket money to pay other clubs went walkies and the new loan was generated to fund that? 

  7. 2 hours ago, underdog said:

    Then may i ask how do you see the trust role with club and chairman. We have a seat

    on the board of OAFC and I'm curios to see how you see us being a custodial of that role of club . Or what you see a a fan representative should be doing. Thanks in advance

    How long has the trust been going since 2004 is it? How many times have the trust come out publicly and challenged anything said by the club? Once over the scoreboard. The trust needs to decide what it wants to be; someone to work along side corney and agree with everything he says or work along side corney but stand up for the fans and be 'honest' with us instead of feeding us these lines of how the club is on its arse and it's all corneys fault. Give us some real figures and facts. The first time you have challenged the club publicly they had to react with the scoreboard refund. Time to stop hiding in the shadows. 


    This is directed at not the fans Rep but the trust board as a whole have to take blame as you are all one! 

  8. 7 hours ago, underdog said:

    The owner has now made a statement that he owned it and has taken it away. The trust, I presume myself and Jorvik never said reposessed. 


    Evidence of a photo was seen too, so I will hold my hands up and say that I jumped the gun too soon after another poster had mentioned it and should have allowed us (trust) to find out first.


    so this one is my personal error and none of the other trust members should be tarnished because of my mistake/mis direction.


    please let it not distract from a healthy debate we are having on this thread of the WUP





    Healthy debate??? More like you trying to stir trouble more like! You got this one wrong who says you have got more wrong. Clearly the trust aren't trusted with knowing club info as this is what happens and it gets twisted. So forgive me for not hanging on your every word! 

  9. 44 minutes ago, underdog said:

    Can I ask if a WUP is approved/authorised then we automatically will get relegated with a points deduction?


    if a WUP happens after the season finishes then we are allowed to stay in this division but points deducted?


    thanks in advance

    Wouldn't go that far someone would want the club push come to shove. Points are never deducted in the same season for admin always the season after. Which is obviously something which wouldn't happen if we went out of business 

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