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Posts posted by adamoafc


    1 hour ago, yarddog73 said:

    I reckon they do care, that clip of Gerrard actually sums up the way this club is run perfectly, one big joke. If it ain't the chairman having a kick about with his mates it's our twenty stone tub of lard centre half amusing himself doing the Klinsmann.

    Your work place must be so boring. It's Called having abit of fun! Doesn't do anything wrong for moral him doing that does it? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Hands on said:

    The Rochdale style scheme was tried here but it was priced to get more money rather than more people attending.  It didn't work for us.

    How do you work that one out? The last promotion gave people 3 weeks to sort out money for a ST at cheaper price. Rochdales promo is till June. 

    It didn't work as it wasn't advertised/ promoted or managed in the correct way. 

    Nonsense statement saying it doesn't work when we never do it properly. 


    Not sure about that logic. With the baggage and little proven experience, surely it'd be an endorsement of his potential to play at a higher level if a League 1 club took a punt on him...


    If a Championship club took him on you'd have to think he'd be destined for the Premier League.

    Championship regularly take on trialist even players nowhere near good enough. Club that I have worked for in the championship took a 31 year old on trial from Luton that got released in the summer. He wouldn't have even made the reserves. Agents have a big influence on certain managers

  4. Haha. Motherwell haven't got a pot to piss in. Have you not read there fans reactions? They are doing it on the 'cheap' again. Sound familiar? I'm would be happy for him to take Charles Dunne, Jamie Reckord, Ollie Banks, Josh Law and Chris Kettings I would drive them there myself.

  5. I think he has a genuine case for unfair dismissal. If they were going to sack him for his swearing they would have done it before the 4th game of his suspension. The match report would have been available a few days after the incident so no reason to delay. The fact he was on a losing run and lost his last game is the clear reason why they sacked him. Notts might be paying up massively for this one. Especially with him on a long term deal there before he returned to us.

  6. I think it's condescending and arrogant to think you have the right to advice people on how they should control their finances, get your head out of your arse and respect that not everyone else's situation mirrors your own.

    People are moaning that they weren't given notice. Last two years ST's have been out in March and April so you would expect them to be out around now as other clubs have released them already. I wouldn't expect anyone to have £300 spare straight away so why is it condescending to say surely you must have organised this in advance?


    Club isn't to blame for people not organising themselves properly.

  7. Giving the fans just over two weeks before the 250+Vat option expires is frankly insulting.


    A top price of 350+Vat is laughable.


    Poor Mr Moisley, extremely poor.

    You know when season tickets come out! Rubbish excuse you either save through the season or get interest free finance for 4 months or pay a fixed fee for 10 months. Don't be blaming the cost because you clearly didn't organise yourself for the season! I wouldn't have £300 spare but know when season tickets come out. Can't blame the club because you haven't prepared!

  8. I don't have 300 quid spare this month as im off to Mexico next month, priorities and all that however If I had the cash I would buy now.


    I will now have to pick and choose my games next season and unfortunately will have to miss quite a few by the looks of it.


    If anyone in the club thinks its ok for a fan of 35 years to make a 60 mile round trip every other week and pay £460 quid for the privilege of watching another season of :censored: like the last 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7 years they can get well and truly :censored:ed!!!!

    Zebra finance for it mate is very affordable! Done it before but thought I would save throughout the season this year for it.


    It's one viewpoint - one that I've considered.


    Another is that voting with our feet might mean a change of ownership becomes more likely.


    You don't know, I don't know.

    That's fine but doesn't appear to be working at Blackpool or Coventry or charlton.

  10. I always tell it as I see it, you will find countless positive posts from me if you took trouble to look at them.

    You are dissolutioned and so is SC if he thinks fans will continue to pay for the dire football seen at BP this season.

    IMO no amount of discounts will see an increase in sales next season unless the club lays out a plan for a more positive future.

    Let me ask you, if you have paid in advance for a product and it turned out to be abysmal would you buy it again?

    Quite sure I have already answered this in my original post. Yes I will continue to buy one my reasons are the same as in my original post. Less fans less chance of change/ investment.

  11. BP your constant negativity with everything is such a boring read. It's almost like you have a personal vendetta with someone at the club or player.


    Supporting any club isn't always going to be good viewing (appreciated it is a few years since anything good happened) but unless we find someone to fund the next royle miracle then times aren't going to change but that doesn't mean you should stop going and supporting your team. Less people in the ground means it's even less likely someone is willing to stump up the funds needed.


    I have heard time and time again about we don't pay big wages, don't invest money and want corney to go but how many serious investors/ bidders have come to the table? Not one. As fans i genuinely think we have a part to play in supporting the team and turning up in decent numbers.


    People say 'I'm not paying to watch' that but who in their right mind is going to buy us when fans don't even want to go. Catch 22. Fans mentality needs a drastic change and I'm one of them!

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