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Posts posted by adamoafc

  1. I genuinely think the groundsman is to blame when he comes back the pitch is dreadful. Only 2 seasons back the guy who left for city had a brilliant surface. This guys loves to fill the pitch with sand!


    He said when he came in the grass was mixture of plastic grass and real and talked about last season saying the roots were the problem. Get rid of him.

  2. We have too many similar forwards Erwin, Ngoo and AAH are all big lads that can hold the ball but need someone running off. Obviously Mags has been pulled back to full back through absentees, he is the ideal candidate for this role, other than that we don't have anyone else and we let Makay go.

    Erwin can hold a ball up? Could of fooled me!

  3. When I met his Middlesboro GK coach a while back he mentioned that diet and weight were an issue that he needed to get control of if he wants to be successful at the highest level.


    It's obvious he isn't the most svelte like of players, but not so bad that it impacts on his performances. But you'd have to agree that he wouldn't make it in the Premiership like it.

    Looks more muscle that general weight. With his reactions and saves as they are that isn't an issue. Clubs these days focus on the wrong things. It's ridiculous.

  4. Thought McLaughlin and Tope were superb in the second half. If we could get them two on the wings we could have a real attacking threat on our wings which we missed massively today. Would give Taylor and Holloway time together up top. Taylor can head a ball and strike a ball and wouldn't need the pace he lacks on the wings these days.


    Thought Clarke looked like a player who had mixed loyalties today first poor game in the air for me today. Lost pretty much everything.


    O'Neil isn't Half the player Palmer was. Can't defend for toffee.


    Was surprised green didn't get moved to full back and pushed McLaughlin on the wing with tope on the other side.

  5. I think people are forgetting what's important in games where we aren't playing well and that is not lose! What you got to see is this team was put together and a lot of wages spent before Sheridan came in. Sheridan has made a couple of signings rather than 1 to help with the shortage of quality. We aren't going to win every game a point is extra towards safety. It's going to be tight but I find games against higher in the league teams we look more comfortable as it isn't as much of a slog.


    The pitch isn't great either so the football on show won't be amazing. It's this time in the season we need that sort of home support we had today instead of the poor and comment by Chris_ktf saying that will be the last time he pays to get in this season.

  6. He use to be a centre half BP so no need to convert. Not a chance that will happen. Bit of work in the summer with shez and Philly who seems to work with strikers and we might have a big player next season. His potential is there to see. He has 4 or 5 seasons before he reaches his 'peak' so hopefully we see an improvement for next season.

  7. Whilst the fund is sat there why don't we open it back up and get it run by the community trust so they can get schools / council youth groups / businesses to raise money for the scoreboard along with fans being given the option to raise further funds? Seems pointless it sat there without anything happening.

  8. For an ex scout BP your analysis of Taylor is poor to say the least! All players don't perform and train in the same way. One persons energy levels can be greater than others. Clearly he's had a long run of games and is done in from it! Hardly surprising! If he had a full preseason behind him and had been playing every week at Bolton you could question it but he hasn't.

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