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Posts posted by adamoafc

  1. Erwin is frustrating as there is clearly a player there, I think his confidence has taken a battering. Players react in different ways, he checks out of games because he doubts his chances of making an impact. Others will try and power through the rut, stick him in a better more confident team and we will see a totally different player.

    Lack of confidence?! Completely disagree the lad thinks he should be playing in the prem. His sulky attitude says that and his attempt at ridiculous step overs which never come off also tell a story!

  2. This team is, on the whole, a bag of :censored: that has the pace of a sloth, the first touch of a Ched Evans and the heading ability of a concrete wall. We are a million miles off a playoff push but should have enough to keep our heads above water in this game of Russian Roulette our leader plays. I honestly wouldn't be arsed if they all left except for the following:


    Ripley (won't be staying)

    Clarke (fully expect him to move on - most likely back to Bury)

    Brian Wilson (probably will be released as he is a high earner we've tried to get rid of before)

    Gerrard (needs to lose a bit of timber)




    Holloway (although jury is massively out on him due to injury issues)

    Wilson won't leave. Clarke was shafted by bury so doubt he will go back more likely Scunthorpe if they don't go up

  3. He might want Baraclough now leaving JS to bring in his own choice.

    I forsee many departures to Motherwell at the end of the season.

    Robbo has gone as first team coach under Mark McGhee manager and James McFadden assistant manager. Deal is only till end of the season also. Doubt robbo will be able to bring in an assistant first team coach ?

  4. Only on Twitter at the moment, but apparently we've had another winding up order? Anyone else heard anything?


    Regarding the meeting, I was one of the ones who attended. I felt we only really scratched the surface due to the time constraints and even though we got a lot out of it, another meeting is definitely required sooner rather than later.



    Not on the list so doubt it.

  5. Erwin held nothing up all night. He tries to do things he doesn't have the ability to do Like beat a man. Second half that showed when the ball just kept coming back. It was only when ngoo came on the ball stuck further upfield which helped us create a few more chances. The fact on a few corners they left Erwin 1 on 1 with their defender says everything about the 'threat' charlton thought he posed. Great team performance though dug in and got what we needed. Onto Swindon.

  6. Seems like we are putting our efforts in the wrong areas. Doesn't seem to 'benefit' clubs a great deal. The fact it has taken us so long this season and we still haven't set up the emails to go out to trust members. Surely another ex player night is due for the end of the season?


    Surely some real fundraising events to earn some cash for our scoreboard total?


    Ex players vs fans at BP bid to play? Surely a couple of thousand pounds could be raised for that!


    Plenty of things could be being planned so fans have time to either save for them or organise time for them.

  7. Some very harsh criticism of Ngoo on here. The lad who has missed a lot of football due to bad injuries has come back with no preseason clearly his fitness will improve. The lad came on and changed the game today. Did the ugly stuff we have missed most of the season. Challenged for every header, held the ball up and only when he became tired did Coventry come back into it.


    Heard Erwin's 'I'm better than you lot' attitude is why we tried to get rid of him hence why he isn't making the bench.


    Was very impressed by the left back for us yesterday. Reckord and dunne don't even get close to how good this lad will be in a few years.


    Banks another who came on and the first time I have seen him throw himself about and get in oppositions faces. Was refreshing to see.


    Thought O'Neil was poor for 60 mins but his bursting runs in the second half need to continue they were superb.

  8. How many times have you seen kettings play?

    Use to watch him regular at blackpool youth when I was scouting. His agent made him out to be world class palace bought him without actually seeing him play. Never seen anything other than a conference player. Can pull out a world class save but then 3 howlers always follow.

  9. Why did you go Mcfluffy? I mean this was a meeting for those who wanted answers to get them yet Corneys staunchest fan who defends him even against the indefensible ends up at the table and no doubt influenced the format of the meeting.


    I find it a little puzzling that the parameters of the meeting changed so much from what was proposed initially but I'm not really suprised when some of those attending have there own motives as for me I'm not prepared to sit there and be spoon fed bull:censored: off the guy in a PR exercise where he holds all the cards if that makes me a bellend fair enough.

    Well attend the next one stop hiding behind that keyboard. You were given the chance last time. Stop with the pathetic nonsense behind a keyboard and speak at face to face.
  10. Do you really think if it was filmed you would get more info? No. Why because it would make he liable. Where as face to face he can give more info and purely deny it if anyone tries to file a complaint against him. Do you really think he would go through players wages and name players complaining about the fans? No why? That would make he liable. Would hate to think what a joke and a mess the club would be if fans took over the club. We would need more than a good solicitor.

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