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Posts posted by adamoafc

  1. A fan questioned the accountability of Corney wriggling out of a filmed meeting with fans armed with questions by the fans and got a - stop being so negative and contribute if you want your say - response.


    I am grateful to all that attended the meeting and the notes were a decent read. But our self-elected representatives must be willing to face scrutiny if things don't quite go to plan. If they're not up for the scrutiny, then I think they need to reconsider whether they're up for the next meeting, if it ever happens.

    What scrutiny would you like to be answered. Seems you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Figures and books are going to be looked at to clarify the above points but as it was an hour before the game we didn't have time. Hence why the questions and answers say what they do.

  2. He was sat in the main stand on Tuesday, seen him at a few of our games this season.


    The bloke sat behind me reckoned we'd been knocked back by Bolton because their under some sort of transfer embargo so would struggle to replace him.

    Bolton can sign people as long as players leave first so wouldn't be an issue for him. One out one in policy

  3. I got my tickets this afternoon. The ticket office girl said over 5000 tickets had been given away. No north stand tickets left. I'm on front row of George Hill stand. Best get wrapped up

    So possibly 3000 tickets left for Oldham fans if the ST holders are at approx 2500. Can't see them splitting the chaddy end for anymore Oldham fans.

  4. We did need another centre half as burgess left and by god we needed another striker and yes we need midfielders. No where is strong enough across the park yet. Sorry to say it but fault lies at robbos door for his poor selections. Better players out their who they could of had on loan but he didn't.

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