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Posts posted by adamoafc

  1. I can answer that question on the chairman's behalf mickjagger, we can't afford to sack the management team as for the chairman he won't concede anything he will merely deflect any criticism that comes his way by creating another :censored: storm. We're stuck with Robbo and unfortunately we're stuck with Corney.

    Blitz always finds money to pump in when we need to sack a manager. Corneys pittance won't dictate to us on that one. Blitz knows if we go down another level the club is worth even less hence why every Jan we seem to find a load of money! So when we do find a owner we are still in a decent league.

  2. Not sure what your son was watching but Osei put more of a shift in than any striker of ours this season. Couple of games starting in a row and we could have a decent player. His awareness of players and the tempo catch him out at times but that will come with games. Osei ran his heart out. Won more headers than all our strikers combined this season. Would love to watch him start everyweek instead of our :censored: loan strikers. Brian Wilson also looked a million times better than burgess today. Maybe a sign burgess maybe going back

  3. Much better performance that, players looked like they wanted the ball and were willing to try a pass or a run. The result was about fair but we turned up

    First half I would agree with that. Second half only one team wanted it. Green was blowing out of his arse after 50 same with osei changed it far to late. Thought Brian Wilson was superb today.


    While I'm not Burgess's biggest fan he does what he does adequately most of the time. He won't & shouldn't drop him at the moment.

    ?? adequately? The lad is 6ft 4 and can't challenge a man for headers as he doesn't get off the floor! Adequately is what has us in this situation. Wilson all day for me.

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