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Posts posted by adamoafc

  1. For me three worst players today green, burgess and reckord. Another thing is why can't we play 2 out and out wingers rather than mess about with Flynn on the left who is completely ineffective there.


    Would be starting on Saturday;











    Jaraldo martin





    Two strikers are the best of a very bad bunch and Gerrard needs to be signed this week.Burgess Costing us everyweek other players having to sort out his mess think league 1 is too bigger jump for him this season.

  2. Clyde Wijnhard and Paul Murray on my table. Both lads were a really good laugh. They were having a good giggle over Tommy Wright ending his coaching career for £5k when he earns £60k a year! ? Clyde was apparently a ladies man whilst at Oldham! He was asked what his biggest regret was in football and Paul Murray said to the table before Clyde answered 'Women'? Top night. Really good food and really good range of players from Ian Wood to tarkowski. ?? Murray is now fleetwood u23 manager and Wijnhard owns a business consultancy firm in London.

  3. I thought Fane was poor, despite all the talk about him he isn't getting any better as he makes the same mistakes again and and again. That's my opinion about him anyway

    For a scout very narrow minded that BP the lad is 20! Playing 2 leagues up from where he was last season. Some real coaching this season he will be a different player next year.

  4. Creative midfielder is what we are lacking someone who finds that killer pass. Fane playing the holding role is a good player he isn't great in possession but lacks quality in his role?? Ridiculous comment. He is getting stronger every game. Green isn't up to it in the centre two now and as someone said time for him to warm the bench. For me I would be bringing in ant Gerrard - solid defender, creative midfielder and a striker who loves a poachers goal as our strikers don't seem to want to get in the box for when the crosses come in.

  5. Don't need defenders?? Did you not see burgess and reckford today? Clueless both of them. Burgess is so weak when anyone puts him under abit of pressure. Reckford will never attempt to beat a man and has zero attacking threat and next time there is a 50/50 watch him slow down he doesn't like a challenge. The lad is woeful. I have genuinely seen better left backs in semi pro football. Winch should of been put CM at HT green was blowing out of his arse and looked like he didn't have any legs at all today.


    For some reason our team genuinely doesn't do off the ball running when we are attacking. We won't start off running till the ball has been kicked by that point we lose it!


    On a brighter note - thought dummigan, winch, Flynn and Mcloughlin were good today. Wanted to drive forward to make things happen and I thought they looked a real threat today.

  6. Yesterday was one of the lamest performance I have seen in a while. No fight from the majority of players not direct enough your not going to score goals without committing players. Then this morning listening to interviews Robinson said he couldn't fault any of the players effort and desire!!


    If I had 5 subs I could off took Reckford Burgess McKay Green Flynn at HT. Without Ripley today it could have been near 7/8 for Bolton. You can't go into a derby with such a negative attitude to attack and get away with it. Only one team wanted it today. Starting to agree with the posts about Robinson having a little country mentality like he did with NI like we are lucky to be on the same pitch as they other team. It Isn't good enough. Sort it soon Robbo or the axe will drop!! Two positives for me though Martin and Winchester both looked quality and played like they wanted it.

  7. Ripley should be playing championship football as a minimum. Yes he has made a few mistakes but more than made up for it in the games he has kept us in. He is 23. Keepers peak a lot later than outfield players he will have a very good career and as someone else said our most all round goalkeeper since pogs. Would love to keep him for next season but can't see it happening.

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