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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. You can't argue that we've got the best range of attacking talent in a long, long while.


    I'm really looking forward to the first ball kicked in anger next Saturday.


    I still question people's assessment of our defence suggesting we'll concede loads of goals. Even if we do concede the odd one or two each match, confident that up front we have strength and depth to compensate to snatch wins and draws.


    With goals in the team do you honestly think well be languishing in the lower half of the table?


    Dark horses for me....

  2. He's injected pace, width & excitement back into the team. He's made all more attack-minded and looking across the front four; there's opportunities aplenty and goals to be scored!


    The above will not only win over the fans but entice a few back. We may struggle - who knows - but we'll struggle fighting and playing attractive football on the ground as opposed to route one lump it forward to the big man.


    Assuming Rooney is already factored into the budget then if only SC can perform miracles and squeeze whatever and from wherever to boost the budget so LJ can strengthen the back four plus possibly another CM.


    We'll surprise people and LJ is a complete breath if fresh air opposed to the dour Dickov.

  3. Regarding final pieces of jigsaw in defence.. are these coming via Liverpool? Was it PC Assist who overhead that Brendan Rodgers said of his son; if we were to look after him then he would definitely look after us?


    Even LJ said that we were close to getting a CB in but was that just Eddie? I didn't see him appear tonight so is the Latvian one for the future and not for now?

  4. Bit early to say sign him to extension, if he continues playing as he has been then January might be the time to potentially discuss a new contract.

    Never too early. You normally spot a gem within a few matches and we have one in our stable...in fact we have a few I reckon that all with make us a load of money in the future.


    JCH will be attracting some serious attention this coming season. I suggested he'd have between 10-15 goals before January and will go so bold to say he'll hit the magic 20 by then

  5. I have a lot of gay and lesbian friends, don't think I've seen any of them in pink or raspberry.

    I have a Celtic supporting friend and despite moving from Scotland to England 3 years ago, being fed English football for that period he subconsciously wears green all the time. Ramping it up next season though as he's coming to at least 6 matches with me. He'll never wear our blue but pink!?!

  6. Has Blacks been added to the tangerine shirt now or will it remain as Carbrini due to it being the 3rd shirt and on discount in the club shop? I still think it will get an airing or two this coming season...


    Bought that last season and its a lovely shirt especially against a tan. I'll be advertising my devotion for our club in two weeks via this shirt abroad.

  7. If we sign Rooney and secure a decent CB then outside top 10 will be a major disappointment. A play-off place is a serious possibility for us.


    SC ( or whoever own us come January) will dip their hand in their pocket in January to carry on LJ's good work. Maybe a couple of loans from Anfield even before October I reckon.

  8. I would be happy to contribute up to £500 a month, but only on proviso that it was being used for proven quality, Beckett/Kuqi.

    Is that your personal monthly donation?


    If so, are you THE David Eyres, Koukash or a more than capable suitor the ownership of the club but waiting in the wings?


    :censored: me. I'm on a decent wage but with a mortgage, bills, spending on supporting the club plus t'wife and two girls in tow, I'm lucky to have £500 left over every month after all those expenses let alone able to then give it all to Playershare.

  9. I may be getting older but this pre-season has flown by this year.....


    Just checked the calendar and realised this Saturday is effectively our start to the season as we have a friendly this Saturday, one next Saturday and then its our first league game v Stevenage. Majority of us fans will be back into our weekly regime around matches come 3pm v Macclesfield.


    Well excited now and realise just how much no other sport compares to football and how much I miss the emotions following THE football club...as others just pale in comparison.


    We are the chosen ones....enjoy!

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