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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. Remember the day well. I was in the Kop as Liverpool supporting friends paid for me as I was a skint student at the time.


    Ball came across, the Pearl came running in and smashed it past the keeper. 1-0 up and I can remember my mate keeping a firm hold of me to prevent me for going too mad and drawing attention.


    Ok, so we conceded two goals later but that period when we were leading against the mighty Liverpool at Anfield was the best thing ever.


    I found the programme a couple of weeks back too when tidying up the office. Souness on the front with Mark Walters.

  2. Do you honestly think SC would admit to being in talks with MK over sale of club if MK is a serious and credible buyer? If talks are at an advanced stage and SC came out saying this then MK could well think SC is trying to court further interest and the whole deal could blown apart.


    MK seems the type of businessman who wouldn't claim talks were at an advanced stage if they wasn't. He'd just look stupid so would more likely say its early days and he's checking out a few clubs.


    I too think there's a few more twists and turns in this story....perhaps one reason why we convinced Korey Smith to sign and beat off competition from Championship. If a sale is imminent and further strengthening is on horizon to add to a decent nucleus including Jose then a player who clearly old play at a higher level could be sold on those plans.


    However, I could just be kidding myself and dreaming like longtimeblue

  3. Very interesting snippets from Give Me Sport (edit - MEN too) website following his interview -


    He went some way to revealing clues about the football team he may soon be the owner of and also stated that he wants his own TV channel.


    "The particular club we're looking at the remedy for it is there," he added. "It was a huge club previously and it just needs that little bit of extra investment to take it to the next level.


    "By bringing in the personnel that were previously associated with the club at its heyday and bringing people in who are genuine club supporters it will excite the fans.


    "Once I get the football club I will definitely have my own TV channel which will cover my three sports; racing, rugby and football."


    Is this honestly us? Does this mean Royle (previously associated with club at its heyday) and Scholes (people who are genuine club supporters)?


    :censored:ing exciting if it is us he's going for.......

  4. Very interesting snippets from Give Me Sport website following his interview -


    He went some way to revealing clues about the football team he may soon be the owner of and also stated that he wants his own TV channel.


    "The particular club we're looking at the remedy for it is there," he added. "It was a huge club previously and it just needs that little bit of extra investment to take it to the next level.


    "By bringing in the personnel that were previously associated with the club at its heyday and bringing people in who are genuine club supporters it will excite the fans.


    "Once I get the football club I will definitely have my own TV channel which will cover my three sports; racing, rugby and football."


    Is this honestly us? Does this mean Royle (previously associated with club at its heyday) and Scholes (people who are genuine club supporters)?


    :censored:ing exciting if it is us he's going for.......

  5. Doubt that...he's not in ST rich list. Where's your info come from?


    Can't find the website but will carry on looking but that's what was stated. Probably loads of bollocks but some facts though that indicate the size of his wealth -


    1. He owns the worlds largest business training company that conducts training in the oil-rich countries

    2. He owns in excess of 100 thoroughbred racehorses and one of this countries leading racehorse owners (and very big pals with the billionaire Reuben brothers)

    3. Seems to tick Corney's boxes for his successor


    In the Liverpol Echo bak in January he self confessed that he wasn't a "sugar daddy" but that same paper described him as a multi-millionaire.


    Exciting though as he's sports mad and he is very, very good friends with BILLIONaires and in joint business with them.


  6. How much would you say the land, stadium etc is worth?


    If we owe Blitz & Gazal six million in loans then will they recoup this I'm return for selling the land etc to the new owners?


    If that then happens, is there any other debts still in he club?


    Just interested to understand what the attraction is for potential buyers - will they get six million in assets if paying back the loans to current owners?

  7. I'm just gobsmacked that there are other parties interested in buying the club. Apart from the new stand, which doesn't automatically guarantee an immediate return on investment, we are still a football club where income is less than the expenditure required to compete even at this level.


    Granted Corney remains here and he didn't fall into the first category when he arrived here but either a true fan or a raving lunatic with money would want to buy at club at this level.

  8. I cannot believe he would ride out the deepest recession in history and bail out as things were on the cusp of being so much better.


    There's no sentiment in business. You wouldn't sell when value is low but riding out the recession and sell when the value appreciates is exactly what any reasoned businessman would do.


    The value of the club won't appreciate massively until this new stand is built, which is exactly why the club is now at lot more attractive for potential buyers.


    I'd love to share your view but if an offer came in close to Corney's valuation then he'll be gone regardless of who's bidding and Larry the Loafer will be out on his ear too.

  9. Based on Barry's statement, Vaughn has approached but not made a formal offer. Should an offer be made then it has to ( a ) pass to good and proper test ( b ) meet the asking price by Corney & ( c ) safeguard the longer term of the club


    Would be interested to have clarification on ( c ) even if ( b ) needs to be achieved first.


    Regarding ( a ) I do question the validity of this because some have passed this test in the past but wouldn't trust them to run a bath let alone a football club.

  10. Her reaction just emphasises how detached the club, especially the commercial department, is from the fans these days.


    She completely missed the point over people's comments regarding the website teasers and announcements. People aren't criticising the signing of the youth players but the misleading nature of these announcements, which is clearly intentional.


    Disappointment amongst the fans is at its peak following all the past seasons of failure and abject performances. The signing of "new" players to rejuvenate the team and expectations next season is at the forefront of fans minds so to trivialise this via the intentional teaser announcements is aggregating the situation...and she didn't realise this would happen(!). Same goes with constant stories on OS updating on EX-players and their new clubs...what's that all about...nose, rubbing and :censored: spring to mind.


    There's also....


    Another new home shirt with no input from fans on design etc

    Last seasons home shirt was sold as being for two seasons but it was just one

    No incentive of a discount to swap the current home shirt for the new one apart fom discount for ST holders


    Yes I am pissed off about the new home shirt because I bought 4 expecting it to be 2 seasons. Then there's a discount on the new home shirt if you buy a ST. Understand the reward in return for buying the ticket but why not extend to all fans who bought last seasons shirt but either cannot afford a whole ST or circumstances dictate its not economical but will still attend matches.


    Before people say you have a choice then they don't have kids at the age who love wearing the shirt and want to wear the same as the team when attended matches.



  11. Mellor signing is good news but how the club have built this up is wrong.


    As someone else has said; the club doesn't understands its fanbase and this had just reaffirmed it.


    Why couldn't this have been announced last night and if the ink is just dry today, why not announce today?


    Blatant attempt to generate hits by misleading the fans and has scored yet another own goal.



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