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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. If its an existing player who's extended or re-signed for us then I'd be seriously underwhelmed.


    "Breaking News" should only be user for new faces or an existing player like Baxter who we thought would never sign for us.


    The likes of Millar or Winchester should be announced with "oh by the way...." and announced immediately not leave us hanging until next day.


    If it was Simpson then I'd question LJ on this because there's better out there and last season he proved just how hot and cold a player he is. We need players being consistent and leading from the front if paid a decent wage and taking a decent % of our budget.

  2. Playing devils advocate, do you think Croft was LJ's type of player or whether LJ actually wanted him to stay?


    From what I recall he criticised Croft within hours of arriving as manager regarding the earring. He then said in press this week that there's load of RMs available. Just that certain comments imply that they didn't see eye to eye with one another.


    I agree though that Croft is a fool not to have chased up this "offer" if they club claimed one was tabled. If he was expected the club to chase him then that's his prerogative but an arrogant one.

  3. So - on the face of it, pleased with this signing.


    He fits the LJ brief doesnt he? Pace, good age, plenty to prove and LJ can be sure of his character as he knows him well.


    Seen the stuff in YouTube and he looks a bag of tricks. Chalk on his boots type.


    I do wonder where this leaves Montano though? If he's off; I hope we recoup some or all of the fee we paid out.


    Anyhow - welcome to BP James. All the best


    We need depth if finances permit but this is the excitement of a new manager, new ideas and ambitions - a new starting eleven, formation and tactics come August... remaining upbeat, we could rip the opposition a new one next season with loads of pressing, running, crosses and goals... just need another striker if Clarke-Harris isn't due to start

  4. The good news is that we're getting in early on the recruitment front and not waiting on those who played for us last season who are debating whether to accept the contacts on offer.


    First two acquisitions both look exciting, attack-minded and come with some very positive reviews where other fans want to sign them too.


    In the desert of close season only faced with work, rain not sun and a holiday that's still weeks away then I could do with something positive on the footy front to keep me going.

  5. Paul Scholes appears a very grounded person who values his privacy and family. Why the hell would he jeopardise those two things he values, which he can now focus on in retirement, to waste his millions on a club that is local to him and second in a list of football clubs that he loves and supports? His dad's a fan I understand but Paul and his kids are more United fans aren't they?!


    That said, I was told earlier this season that we had had talks with him regarding a boardroom rather than playing position. It was us approaching him I believe and nothing has come from it, which speaks volumes.


    Attending the odd match is one thing but spunking his nest egg and his kids inheritance with zero chance of a return is another.


    Never in a million years......

  6. Sorry, should have included Matt Smith in exception list. Totally mismanaged and wasted on bench. When he came on, he came up with the goods. 'Nuff said


    Furman however.... Captain who led by example... into a relegation battle. Piss poor, went hiding all the time and totally ineffective. Claims that his move was best for all parties... yeah for you because you didn't have the guts for the fight... arguably for us because you was off the wage bill and a loanee came in and was 100% better than our "captain". A first class :censored: and League One John Terry with his pumping of fists when Doncaster got promotion.

  7. All of them with exception Baxter and Big Jean.


    All had ability but :censored: all application. Should all offer a refund to ST holders but as usual they get paid well then :censored: off to the next pay cheque despite severely under-performing.


    If I delivered on par to them in my job, I wouldn't have been in my job for long but their incomes secure.


    Muggers and bandits the lot of them!

  8. How can there be a practical way of determining those who bought shirt on "understanding it was for two years"?

    Are you a ST holder? You'll get 50% off


    The current home shirt was sold on basis it was for seasons 12/14 and is actually on tag on the shirt,


    I'm not a S/T holder this coming season due to work and other commitments but that's irrelevant. It's just the principle that this current shirt was sold for two seasons so some fans bought in that basis and cannot afford to change every season.


    Regarding the other poster, I appreciate club needs to make money but there's a fine line between making money and exploitation of fans. Changing home shirt every two seasons is fair with the current orange away shirt becoming third and a new away shirt.

  9. If you look at the teaser on official under "2013/14 home shirt for £20" there's some tangerine & white in top left hand corner. White sleeves (like the one before last home shirt) with tangerine trim? Also I think the body is all blue.


    We'll soon see but I hope the club provide some kind of discount for those who bought last home shirt on understanding it was for two seasons... I bought three of them for me and my two daughters

  10. Nah, it's been a roller coaster but we've survived. Starting afresh in non-league may not have achieved similar to AFC Wimbledon and the like - we'd have been deserted by thousands more fans I reckon.


    Just a thought - are all our current debts owed to the owners? If they decided to wipe off those debts then were debt free, especially now the current crop of players are out of contract albeit just four? Cut our cloth accordingly and we remain in the black. The owners sell on the ground etc to recoup their losses and were effectively starting afresh with a clean slate and no debts??!


    Where are we losing the £400k a year (or whatever it is) to?! It's this just now running costs where outgoings exceed revenues or are we still paying back creditors from the last administration?


    I'm confused......

  11. Damn! Just awoke from a superb dream.


    Somehow I'd accrued £3.1 billion and the dream went on that I bumped into Corney in the car park following the Orient game (incidentally we lost 2-1). I bought the club with a £8m take it or leave it offer. Met with LJ and having read his target list of 100 players, ripped it up and the two of us went off on a recruitment drive home and abroad.


    Little Lee was like a kid in the sweetshop and everyone who met him in my dream kept complimenting him on his suit but questioned his footwear.


    The kids woke me up just as we arrived back at BP - mass construction going on at both Lookers and Chaddy End - and was about to do press conference announcing me as owner and the first three acquistions to the 2013/14 squad

  12. This is what pisses me off with our club. We have a promising player under contract but do little to keep him until its too late. The lad cam with immense promise and struggled through a mixture of under utilisation, coaching, playing to his strengths and nurturing.


    No coincidence his development has rocketed in recent months under different management and coaching but then it's too late. We should have put faith in the lad and signed him up for longer months ago. Now he's going,our loss is some other clubs gain and we get jack :censored: in transfers or compensation.


    Thankfully we did different with Baxter

  13. I'm really disappointed on how we've managed Matt Smith. When he arrived, he had a very decent track record albeit at lower level but he had huge potential and we messed it up by not giving him ample time on he pitch. He needed the games to build his confidence and Dickov failed him on this.


    He could have become a great player for us; prolific, sending us up the league and playing for us in the Championship. Dare I say it possibly a seven figure sale had he had the time and opportunity.


    Alas others have saw what we failed to see and our loss will be their gain.

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