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Posts posted by Midsblue

  1. I have merely pointed out that he was given the last ten games to make good and will continue to do his best.


    ...and next season too I trust Barry.


    Nobody's blaming LJ.


    It's the players who have let us, the club, Simon Corney and Paul Dickov down. The quicker the majority of ths bunch are gone the better......


    ...I just hope LJ is backed in the summer to rebuild, deliver the attacking attractive football he promised along with the 3 goals a game OAFC are to score to boot!

  2. I think Scunthorpe will get 6 more points (Walsall & Bury) but we'll get 7 from Bury (w), Yeovil (d) and Shrewsbury (w). It'll be squeaky bum time at 23rd though as we'll be in bottom four at that point....although I think we may sneak a win against Crawley too.


    2 up top - Smith & Barnard - from now on please and crosses into the box.


    Would you put Iwelumo back in though?

  3. And you know the biggest gripe for me is that at the end of the season they will all just f**k off somewhere else leaving us with what ? ....


    Beginning of the end


    Yes they can all f**k off but it's not the beginning of the end. We won't go down and even if we did then this club is bigger than any one player or a team. We'll lick our wounds, dust ourselves down, rebuild, regroup and start all over again come August; be it League 1 or 2!

  4. I'd bin all them... yesterday they all spout off via Twitter of the importance of this game and then go into hiding as soon as the whistle is blown.


    Biggest load of over paid, over confident yet underwhelming players we've had in a long time. I'm afraid the dilusion was instilled by Dickov and Johnson's now had to pick up the pieces and no matter how much motivation, the fires not in their bellies and I wouldn't want to be stood next to any of them in the trenches,


    Build the side around Baxter with grit and determination fed by his creativity and Johnson can start his own dynasty putting to bed the smoke and mirrors spouted by Dickov.

  5. You can't make a silk purse.....


    Fortunately I think there are worse teams around us and the two games in hand plus goal difference should see us safe.


    Mammoth task rebuilding in the summer but if LJ practises what he's preaching and creates a side following his work ethic then we can put this season behind us.

  6. Black, white, brown, yellow, green or whatever...skin colour is irrelevant when it comes to supporting a football club. If we were much more successful then we would entice more through the turnstiles and I'm confident it wouldn't be 100% white representing that increase.


    Man United have a fair proportion of non-white fans because they're successful. Was it Bury who had an Asian player but I don't recall the Asian contingent increasing.


    There's no harm in actively targeting non-white fans because the greater number of fans the better in supporting our club both financially and for an greater atmosphere.


    We should look beyond skin colour but the left wing media are quick to infer things....

  7. That bloke who we don't want getting injured.


    Cos we pay his medical bills!


    Is that right? He's a contracted Doncaster player now so surely they pick up the tab as part of T&Cs of loan? We wouldn't cover this as we'd be victim of any clubs training regime.


    Regardless it's a meh from me. Didn't show his true value when here and he's an ex-Oldham player now as I very much doubt we'd see him in an Oldham shirt again unless we have a testimonial for Billy Quamby.

  8. Sports scientists are one thing but at this level it's more leadership and influence from the manager. If that manager is an ex-player who has focus and aspirations to become a manager then they would know how to get players fit, maintain fitness and discipline.


    If a players needs an extra person to motivate them then do we want them in the squad?


    It amazes me when you see managers with a whole entourage of assistants for specific areas. I always think that if someone has to surround them with help then they either can't or won't expand their knowledge in those areas. Laziness breeds laziness.


    Plus I'd rather have an extra Korey Smith playing each Saturday then a backside on the bench with a clipboard and stopwatch.

  9. Thanks to the 12 for keeping us all in the loop. I feel a lot more confident now having read all the above and the attitude of Lee and his actions so far regarding recruiting new faces, handling existing players and identifying weaknesses with the view to address are very encouraging.


    Hopefully Corney will support Lee with strengthening and then enable Lee to build a team that he wants - pace, pressure the opposition in the final third, supply from the flanks and crosses aplenty with creativity in the middle.


    A big step in the right direction and hopefully Lee can succeed where Dickov failed - talking the talk but delivering too.


    Would be interested to know more on Corney's rant regarding the messageboard as posters on here over the last 48 hours have been justified. However, touching on Prozac's other post; anyone who has threatened Corney, sent hate mail or got personal deserve banning for life and should be banned from here. Like him or loathe him this is unacceptable!

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